Letting the Cat Out of the Bag

2 years, 2 months ago

Letting the Cat Out of the Bag - 3 Loraphine exploring the Entropy Region, and encountering a surprising number of optical illusions and impossible things.

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After hopping through the wormhole, Loraphine found herself in a place that just felt off for some odd reason. Not in the sense that something was wrong, but in the sense that everything was wrong. The grass was the wrong color, the trees were in the wrong place, the flowers were just plain weird and doing things she had never imagined flowers could… And why did it feel like there was a herd of duck-rabbits and rabbit-ducks running across the landscape, seemingly wholly rabbit one moment and irrefutably duck the next…? 

Her eyes widened as she took in the sights around her, confusion visibly writing itself across her face. A strange sort of comprehension dawned, as she came to the realization that the realm she was standing in was not a part of the realm she was from, with the six greater deities and their respective regions. Neither was this realm the otherworldly Astral Region– it was simply too disorderly to ever be mistaken for the Astral Region.

“Visitors? Here? In Entropy?” came a small voice from the distance.

Loraphine looked around in confusion, before her eyes finally landed on a small Quirlicorn, one barely four hands high. Like the strange cat she, along with Wynn and Ketamine, had been talking to, this Quirlicorn had a floating head, one only connected by a few strands of something

(As to what that something was, Loraphine decided she didn’t want to know.)

But unlike the strange cat– unlike Peabody, this Quirlicorn’s coat was far from being a single color. Instead, the small Quirlicorn was covered in splotches of neon green and black, a strangely representation of the chaos around them. 

“My name is Asani,” the small Quirlicorn said, before introducing the Entropy region they guarded to Loraphine and her two companions, with a smirk and a cheerful, “Pretty awesome, huh?” and an invitation for the three of them to step forth and explore the region.

With a quick backwards glance at Wynn and Ketamine, Loraphine soon galloped off into the distance, grinning as she took in the sights around her. Strangely enough, knowing that the region was supposed to be weird and chaotic, simply made everything click into place, and make sense.

Or at least as much sense as literal cat fish could, she supposed, hearing Ketamine’s chuckles about said creatures coming from the distance.

Loraphine soon found herself in what could be best described as a field of optical illusions. Strange lines intersected each other, and while the ground was perfectly flat, it certainly didn’t look it. She paused, staring down the edge of a cliff, only to realize that it was more of the optical illusions, and there wasn’t actually a cliff in front of her.

She alternated between frowning and grinning, as she continued walking forward, taking in the delightfully confusing landscape. Her gaze passed over a series of blinking lights that didn’t move, but gave the illusion of a single light moving in a circle. Then there were the stairs that went both up and down, but also neither up nor down, all at the same time. 

So confusing. None of everything made any sense, and she loved it. Especially not the flowers that resembled anything but flowers. She even spotted one that looked like a miniature Quirlicorn horn, but upon closer inspection, definitively remained a flower. 

Loraphine turned around, to begin walking back towards the Quirlicorns she had come here with, taking a different path in hopes of seeing more of the chaos around her. She wondered why her father hadn’t spent more time in Phaedra, during that one Solstice everything had been changed into a chaotic, fiery wonderland. She certainly loved the chaos around her, and if he had let her come with him during that Solstice, she certainly would have spent the entire day exploring everything

But alas, her father had not taken her, and she had spent that Solstice with Nouriel, celebrating the Solstice while staying behind in Izalera. 

She laughed, as what appeared to be cubes flew through the air, straight towards her head. She ducked, before reaching out with her telepathy to grab onto one. The sides to the cube didn’t fit together quite right, and on closer inspection, the cube shouldn’t have been possible, at all! 

Loraphine raised an eyebrow, before deciding that she should bring it back with her, to show Nouriel. Hopefully, she’d get another chance to come again. 

What had Asani said again? That they’d give Loraphine a small plot of land, as long as she promised to visit again?

 She definitely was going to take Asani up on their offer. 

The Entropy region was too fascinating for her to never return to again.