
2 years, 7 months ago

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Rare Mutations:
- Albino: coat is solid white with no other  colors; eyes must be red, pink, or pale blue. All other color traits  (including heterochromia and all markings traits) are considered  dormant.
- Shaggy: fur on the body, especially the chest and belly, may be longer than usual.
- Bare Tail: tail lacks longer fur.
- Maneless: mane is completely absent.
- Full Mane: mane completely covers the neck, much like a lion's mane (but fur is still fairly short).
-  Dark Underside: underside fur which normally needs to be paler than base color may be darker instead, or of a similar hue but in a different  color (but marking must still be visible).
- Blank Underside: underside fur entirely lacks markings of lighter, darker, or different colors.
- Sabertooth: fangs may be very long and extend over the bottom jaw (but must not be longer than the jaw can open wide).
- Branching Horns: horns may branch off into multiple protrusions more like a deer's antlers, but must be symmetrical.
- Complete Heterochromia: one eye may be a different (basic) color from the other.
- Partial Heterochromia: one or both eyes may posses two (basic) colors (such as a ring of a different color around the edge).
- Bobtail: tail may be less than 1x body length (but must still be present at least as a nub).

Uncommon Mutations:
- Feathered Ankles: tufts of fur may be present at the ankles (front and/or hind legs) but may not completely cover the paws.
- Long Tail Fur: tail fur is much longer than normal.
- Extended Tail Fur: fur extends farther up the length of the tail.
- Long Mane: mane fur is much longer than usual, and may hang over the sides of the back/neck more like a horse's.
- Bi-color: may have two different base colors (such as front half/back half being different colors, left/right, piebald, etc).
- Nub Horns: horns manifest as little more than short bumps or nubs (but are still present).
- Asymmetrical Horns: horns do not need to be the same shape (but should remain a similar length).
-  Pronged Horns: horns may have small protrusions, although base shape   must remain the normal downward-curving spike and must be symmetrical.
-  Unusual Hue Markings: small markings may be a color that is not  typically natural for Ignirodons (must cover less than 25% of the body).
- Gray Eyes: eyes may gray in color, but must not be too dark, or white.
- Dark Eyes: eyes may be much darker than normal (but not black or gray).
- Short Tail: tail may be much shorter than normal, but must still be at least 1x body length.
- Short Muzzle: muzzle may be significantly shorter than normal (more akin to a cat's than a wolf's, for example).

Common Mutations:
- Feathered Elbows: tufts of fur may be present at the back of the elbows on the front legs.
- Short Ears: ears may be much smaller than normal.
- Long Ears: ears are longer than normal.
- Tufted Tail Fur: fur manifests as only a tuft at the end.
- Short Tail Fur: tail fur is much shorter than normal, but still present.
- Shaggy Mane: mane may extend down the sides of the neck or shoulders (but is still short in length).
- Extended Mane: mane extends farther up the neck than normal, possibly to the back of the head.
- Highlights: mane & tail may consist of two colors (either in the form of a gradient or in streaks of different colors).
- Scraggletooth: one or more teeth may be visible even when the mouth is closed.
- Long Horns: horns are significantly longer than normal.
- Short Horns: horns are significantly shorter than usual.
- Gradient Underside: color may fade into the lighter underside instead of being a sharp contrast.
- Dark Color: may be a darker color than usual, such as black or near black.