long vacation

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
11 13348

Chapter 3
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

A few days in a week, a week in eternity.

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Day 1 – Afternoon

“No,” said Yuuki.

“Yes,” chorused Makoto and Vincent.

“Stop bullying him, everyone,” pleaded Satoru.

Yuuki sniffled melodramatically. At least Satoru was on his side. “I’m not doing that. I don’t want people to start asking me weird questions.”

While he swung his legs lazily from his perch on the arm of Makoto’s chair Vincent was poking Satoru in the ribs gently with a long ruler he had picked off the desk. “We’re not bullying him, Senpai. It’s just that he’s the best person for the job.”

Beyond the polished glass window panes, Yuuki could see Star animatedly pointing out vegetables in the garden to Qingjue, who seemed like he was bombarding her with questions. “Why don’t you ask someone who is more familiar with the people around town?”

“Star and Freyja have their own work to do, and the three of us here are going to be here in the library looking for a way to send him back so that you can cast Greater Restoration on the poor guy. Besides, weren’t you the one who brought him here?”

While she nodded along to Vincent’s words Makoto was peering shrewdly up at Yuuki above steepled fingers. “Or would you prefer that I take your place, and you join Vincent and Elder Brother in the library instead? As the temple head I am willing to make an exception for the allocation of duties just this once.”

“No, it’s fine, I’ll do it,” said Yuuki quickly, not relishing the thought of being stuck browsing tome after boring tome with a couple who tended to act like newlyweds when nobody was looking. 

“Awesome. To go over our plan, from tomorrow onwards you bring him into town and show him as many things as possible to jog his memory. We just need the name of a realm, or that of a physical location. Even the name of a famous person would be enough. I’m going to Send a message to Eleanore to check if she knows anyone who could help.”

Gulping, Yuuki nodded.

“Why’re you so nervous anyway, Big Brother Yuuki? It’s not like you didn’t talk to anyone for a century like Elder Brother.”

“This and that are different…”

“Next up, accommodations. He’s got to sleep somewhere. The classroom is too draughty and we can’t make him stay in the main hall.” Vincent was flipping through his notes as he spoke. “I suggest the tearoom, but Yuuki is already in there.”

“They can share.”

“I don’t think that’s appropriate, what if he attacks him at night?”

“I would never do that,” refuted Yuuki, a bit too vehemently.

“Oh yeah?” The expression on Vincent’s face spoke of one particular experience roughly a year ago during which he had been absolutely convinced of the contrary.

“Like I said, I’m sorry. Can’t you sleep in Satoru’s room?”

There was a flash of something threatening in Vincent’s eyes. “Senpai needs his personal space.”

“Enough. Stop arguing, you two. We’re going to move some futons into the library anyway so Big Brother Yuuki can take Vincent’s room for the time being while Qingjue takes the tearoom. Or you could take Elder Brother’s room and he sleeps over in the library with us. Your choice.”

“I’m not letting Senpai sleep on the floor,” snapped Vincent. Satoru gave him his usual puppy-dog eyes, which he pointedly ignored for a while before reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind Satoru’s ear when he thought Yuuki was not watching. Trying his best to maintain a level expression, Yuuki pursed his lips in disapproval. Young people nowadays…Disgusting.

“I suppose that means Big Brother Yuuki is taking your room then. Cool. Does the food here agree with Qingjue, by the way?”

“I think so? He finished his portion.”

“Well, that settles it then.” Having said that, Makoto strode over to the window and knocked sharply on it to get Star’s attention. “Meeting dismissed. Vincent, help me move the futons.”

Vincent was carrying a bunch of pillows in his arms when Yuuki bumped into him while exiting the tearoom. “You’re free to use anything in there but just don’t look in the sketchbooks.”

“What, they all full of portraits of Satoru or something?”

“None of your business.” Vincent’s face was turning a most remarkable shade of red. Smirking, Yuuki was opening his mouth to make another snarky comment when someone tapped him on the elbow.

“Um,” piped up Qingjue, “is it really okay for me to be sleeping in there? That looks like a very formal room. There’s even ceremonial teacups and everything.”

“Don’t worry about it, I was staying in there before this. We don’t use that room a lot anyway.” Yuuki clapped Qingjue on one shoulder cordially. 

Bowing in gratitude, Qingjue shot Vincent a quick nod of acknowledgement and carefully entered the tearoom after taking his shoes off. Yuuki watched him go, and then turned around to face Vincent who was narrowing his eyes at him thoughtfully. “What?”

“Nothing. No peeking in the sketchbooks, hear. Give us a holler if you need anything.”

There was a slight spring in Vincent’s step as he cantered down the hallway towards the temple library at the end of the corridor. Huffing fondly, Yuuki shook his head. Vincent was a particularly fickle one, but his mood swings were somewhat endearing nevertheless. He nudged open the door to his new lodgings and stepped inside, feeling rather satisfied with his work.

Author's Notes

If anyone is curious, Vincent’s sketchbooks were indeed filled with various pencil studies of Satoru.