Myrefall Hearts | Witch Lore

2 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 1 month ago
2 1801

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

Exerpts from my world building notes regarding Myrefall Hearts focusing on just the witches. As of now, the main Witch Types are outlined, but I may add to this with other aspects of witches as I continue to develop them.

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General Overview


Witches, unlike other species in Evralon, are not limited in just those with magical bloodlines. Any species from the surface world, has the capability to use magic with arduous studying, or with the assistance of any magic already a part of their species.

The most definitive form of witches is a Pureblood Witch, a witch that comes from a family of only other pureblood witches, never having mixed with other species. Pureblood witches are harder to come by these days, as different species have intermingled, and the study of witches’ magic has become quite popularized.

The most prevalent type of witch is a Human Witch. With Pureblood Witches being less common, Human Witches have become more dominant. The name is misleading however, as not all Human Witches are humans who study magic. Some come from families that consist of mainly pureblood witches, who have human lineage somewhere in their family. For example, Blythe’s mother is a pureblood witch, but her paternal grandfather is human, mixing in human lineage to their family tree.

Regarding other species, they’re status as witches is labeled similarly to Human witches. A Doll Witch is a Living Doll that has studied magic, or a Siren Witch is a Siren that practices magic. The only species incapable of picking up magic are those of the Underworld, including but not limited to Demons, Harpies, and Spirits.

Social Norms

As with all species in Evralon, there are special social dynamics unique to witches. Listed here are a few that stand out the most.

Some Pureblood Witches have a general disdain for any other sort of witch. This attitude tends to reside with higher class witches that pride themselves on their lineage. In these same circles, it’s not uncommon to marry within the same magic type for the chance to have a prodigy child. When two witches strong in the same type of magic have a child, that kid has a special aptitude with that type as magic as well.

Most types of magic are viewed equally, except for Necromancy. Necromancers are seen as worse people for their inclination to deal with the dead and darker magic. However, at the same time Necromancers are often sought out by others for a chance to speak to their dead loved ones one last time. Publicly shamed, but privately revered.