A child

2 years, 4 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
5 4931

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 4 months ago

Khonsu & Jake go through the cases of finding out they have an egg and then going into parenthood.

Note: This takes place before Khonsu meets Ollie

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Author's Notes

Khonsu & Jake
Lvl 100 Legendary Egg - Necrozma
Word Count: 1257

A Strange Dream: Part 1

Jake wakes up sweating, he’s wrapped tighter around their egg then he ever has been before, his chest heaving as he struggles to catch his breath back. He’s never had such a bad nightmare, especially not since he joined Khonsu in their hive, he always said he never dreamt, so he guesses that spread to him as well through their connection. His panicked eyes glance over to his egg, and he’s glad to say that it seems to be perfectly normal, just like it was the day before, before they went to sleep; nothing wrong with it in the slightest.
Jake’s attention is suddenly snapped over to Khonsu as he wakes up in the same state, his wings puffed up angrily, while he then turns to look at Jake. It’s one thing to have never dreamt, but when your first one feels more like a nightmare, it's not very good. The two of them glance between each other, before Jake hesitantly opens his mouth to explain his dream…

It started like many others, nothing alarming went off in Jake’s head, he seemingly awoke in an empty field, flowers rolling off in one direction, trees in the other one. Nothing that anyone would even consider alarming. He decided to look around of course, it felt odd, he couldn’t hear or even sense Khonsu in any way, normally there’s at least this sort of gentle presence in the back of his head that he’s there, that he’s alive just not nearby. This is how Jake truly knows it’s just a dream, otherwise Khonsu would be there, Jake knows he would. His feet feel unnervingly light against the floor, as if the dream didn’t quite know what the texture should feel like, which does set off a small alarm bell, but then he’s not dreamed in a very long time, so maybe he’s just forgotten about what a dream feels like. Looking around everything seems so idyllic, when the egg hatches he should really take the child and Khonsu to go see a field like this, he’s sure that the two of them would adore a place like this, at least if the child is anything like the two of them.
He continues to walk about, over towards the flowers, they’re pretty and what can he be but materialistic. As he walks over to them, he doesn’t seem to notice the sky starting to darken around them, too interested in the objects in front of them, they seem off in some way, and not the way that the flowers normally look in dreams, or at least Jake believes they should look in dreams. This is what causes him to look up, and he notices the sky has gotten darker and Jake swallows slightly, this isn’t normal for a dream. It seems that the minute he’s registered somethings wrong, whatever’s in charge realises the gigs up and suddenly all light seems to seep away from everything. He glances around slightly anxiously, the flowers have wilted and anything further then about five foot out seems to have faded into nothing, he dares not move in case of he himself disappearing too.
Slowly, something starts to appear out of the darkness, if he’s honest Jake doesn’t even know how he can see this figure out in the darkness, as they also seem to be just as dark as the atmosphere around them. Jake isn’t even sure if he should or even can speak at this point, he doesn’t want to say it’s fear, but it most likely is, he’s never felt so alone as he does now, especially not these last few months.
“Do not fear!” A voice then echoes out and just the depth of the voice causes something to shoot through Jake, part of their speech reminds Jake of Khonsu spoke at first and even still tends to do so around others when he first meets them. Jake is about to speak, asking them what they mean and who they are, before he’s cut off by the voice speaking again, he does assume at this point that it's the figure they can see in the distance coming towards them.
“I am Necrozma, and I require help from you.” It continues, “I would like an heir to live in your realm, and would like the help from you. You are allowed to say no, that is fine by me, but you seem to be my best shot, I have been watching for a while and you seem wonderful and perfect to assist in my wishes.” It explains and Jake lets it continue, listening in to what it has to say. It’s not said anything crazy yet, though Jake is faintly worried that it might mean some form of change with their child and he does not want that.
“And how can I help with this, it better not affect my child.” Jake starts before then turning it into a slight threat, puffing up as much as he can to seem as threatening as possible, even though he knows that he is so much smaller than this, legendary he assumes. The figure chuckles slightly,
“Do not worry, your little one will not be affected, what I am offering is a second child for you to raise for me. I will not change how you wish to treat them; it will not stop you from raising them how you please or being seen as their parent.” He continues, Jake notes he seems to be choosing his words very wisely and as he speaks Jake’s head seems to be spinning slightly, it’s strange it doesn’t seem to be the same feeling he gets when Khonsu is there.

Khonsu coughs slightly, bring Jake back out of his story.
“Do you mind if you pause there for a second Jake, and I tell you what some of my dream was like?” He asks softly, his breathing has finally calmed down and he is just looking lovingly at Jake as he spoke.
“S-sure, I don’t really see why?” Jake says softly and Khonsu gives him a soft and kind hush.
“You’ll understand soon.”

Khonsu starts up his story, seemingly from the middle of the dream. In the dark, even the floor below his paws was pitch black, he was almost giving off his own light considering how light and pale he is compared to the void around him, which seemed to drift off to a colour beyond black.
There’s a large legendary in front of him, close enough that one of it’s large claw like hands is reaching out in front of him,
“An offer of an extra child to raise.” It says and Khonsu tilts his head.
“And what is the trick to this, there must be something else that you can truly get out of this.” Khonsu narrows his eyes, his wings shifting to a slightly threatening pose. The legendary, Necrozma, moves slightly, it’s other clawed hand appearing in front of Khonsu in almost a movement of innocence,
“This is no trick I promise you. I just wish a part of me out in the open, I must admit to you that I shall regain some energy, having part of my energy out in the true realm, but this will not affect any of the experience the child may have.” Necrozma explains and Khonsu relaxes slightly, though he’s still got a solid stare going on, keeping the legendary in line.
“So, do we have a deal Khonsu? Will you fulfil my one request?” He asks out.