
1 year, 10 months ago
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Asher needs his life to change. He finally starts.

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It's not like he ever had a choice. Everything about his life has been laid out for him from beginning to end. Asher has accepted his path for years, enduring every moment of every day answering to those above him, following the rules and regulations dictated to him. And that's all he's ever been able to do. And it's been hard. Living his every day in a small room, wearing tight, rigid clothing, acting in a tight, rigid manner, and having to ending nothing but tight, rigid conversations for as long as he can remember.

But not today. Today, that has ended.

It's a scary thing, to overturn one's world. Throwing a lifetime away, and beginning anew. Asher knows that once this turn of events has been put into place, he can never come back again from it. This life, as he knows it, will be over.

And he's okay with that.

No more suits. No more tea. No more politics.

This is where the rebellion begins. It's birthed in dark colors, in black eyeliner, and the anthem of every dream and desire he's ever had made audibly tangible by the shriek of an electric guitar.

And it begins now.