My Blacklist

1 year, 10 months ago
1 year, 10 months ago
1 204 2

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 10 months ago
204 2

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My Blacklist

- kai_o_saurus/peeterpatter ~ Offered on one of their for-sale characters (for the exact price they were looking for, mind you), to no response. Replied back a month later to my original comment with a "Hello?" and a ping to their supposed main account. Checked back in another month later to see that my comments were deleted and the character was sold to someone else.

- AkariNya ~ Mass character claimer (hypocritical of me, I know), doesn't do anything with characters (no name, no desc. no sorting, just leaving them to rot), makes me mildly uncomfortable.

- Parabatai ~ Used one of my freebies as shelter fodder not even a week after adopting (it was a species MYO ticket).

- Kisskissfallindebt/DaisyChain ~ Mass advertises WTAs for their shelter and encourages donations but doesn’t seem to actually want to give away any characters (deletes comments); victimizer

- indigosky ~ Advertised a massive purge without bothering to specify which were actually up for adoption- resulted in a torrent of pings of people writing long WTAs and their subsequent denial. Placed HQ ocs up for WTAs with apparently little intention to give them away

- @ch3ka_sushka - Mass hoarder (who doesn’t do anything with her characters)