Comp. of Couriette writing

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
6 2116

Chapter 4
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

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Prompts (Involves all)

Describe them in three words:
Mango - Childish, playful, immature
Komi - Quiet, sad, misguided
Elune - Cunning, manipulative, deceptive
Streak - Imaginative, creative, up-lifting

What do they care about most?
Mango - Helping fellow Couriettes when they come into their shop. He doesn't tend to go out to rescue animals himself, but he'll be quick to lend a paw to anyone who walks through his store's doors.
Komi - Before she failed the fish she failed, she valued helping sea creatures the absolute most. Rescuing them and saving them from pollution was her life! But now? She doesn't care about too much.
Elune - Her lover <3

Favorite movie or series?
Mango - His favorite thing to watch is Big Hero 6. It reminds him that anyone can be a hero; even him.
Komi - She prefers to watch shows and movies like Finding Nemo and Finding Dori. It helps her feel a little bit better about her personal guilt over her past.
Elune - Horror films such as Halloween, Scream, and Jigsaw. She can't get enough horror.

Indoors or outdoors?
Mango - Indoors, ofc! His shop is indoors and he loves nothing more than to work at his store.
Komi - She was an outdoors person, for obvious reasons, but now she prefers indoors. She likes to stay inside, where it's always cool/warm and where there are no endangered fish.
Elune - Outdoors, but not to help fish. She likes to be outdoors because that's where all of the other Couriettes are at! And she likes to be a menace towards others.
Streak - Outdoors; he loves to show off his fur to other Couriettes in order to show them that it is okay to be unique.