2012/5- Starfall

5 years, 1 month ago

Kaoori muses under the stars and thinks of lost ones.

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Inspired by this song: http://youtu.be/XFEAzP1Zm-A

(would be nice to listen to as you read)

Spring was in full bloom in the Endless Forest.  Summer was not far.   The nights were becoming warmer, the stars bright.  Kaoori loved to  climb to the highest hills and sit for hours, staring at the stars,  looking for that certain one that seemed to dance more than the others.   Tonight, however, as she stared at the sky, it seemed as if it had a  mind of its own; a dance routine practiced and come to life for her own  eyes to see.  As she sat and marveled, bright silhouettes formed between  the stars and flashed before her eyes of those that she thought she may  never see again, of those gone before, but would always be in her  heart.

The Hat Lady; a kind, gentle soul who had finally found happiness and  peace, dancing to her own rhythm in the brightness, weightless and free.

The small one only known as the Ghost Fawn, poppies adorned between her  ears, laughing, although none could hear, sliding among constellations,  wearing expressions only  innocence would know.

The whitetail Cloud,  bounding beside her, his own expression carefree  and weightless, the moonglow blanketing his back as he leaped across the  sky.

Near the moon stood the the moon's son, Wudiin, and his starcrossed  love, Poltergeist; both proud and regal, looking down on the forest,  likely watching their own children.   You should be proud , Kaoori whispered.   they are beautiful.  Kaoori still missed her friend Poltergeist from time to time; her loss had hit Kaoori hard.

Another silhouette formed in a cluster of stars, charging across the sky  as if to test new legs.  There was The Red, proud as ever, but much  younger and stronger; the one she knew from the past, in his new domain;  the sky.  He stopped to bellow, and although she could not hear it, she  knew somewhere it was still earth-shaking.

  Two blurs suddenly caught her eye, and she craned her neck as a grin crossed her face.

Hoshiko raced across the sky, the markings on her little pelt burning as  brightly as the stars that surrounded her.  Right behind her was a fawn  not much larger than her who bore the markings of both her parents, a  monarch pelt and secretary pelt.  They faded as they chased a shooting  star out of Kaoori's vision into a nebula.

"I will never forget any of you."

Her heart a mixture of light and heavy, her eyes sparkling, the shika  lay her head on the hill, closing her eyes and soon fell asleep, the  night sky alive around her