Pet store

1 year, 3 months ago
667 2

Mary find something she just can't do without but Bella won't allow it Mary also make like one lesbian pun I'm am so sorry for this (Or am I ?)

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The girls are sitting on the sofa thinking about things to lighten up their house hold when all of a sudden Mary drops an idea"What about a pet?, something low maintenance but still fun and loving" Bella thinks for a moment " Like a puppy?" She replies with a question "I mean I'm more of a cat person" Mary says as she winks in Bella's direction "Be serious Mary! It gets so quiet here and I want something that will actually  want to be loved" Bella shoots back "How dare you cats can be very loving creatures, How many people have you seen in the ER because of a house cat hmmmm?" Mary says as a joke thinking its impossible to answer back " when I was eight me and my mom had to go because I broke my arm and this man was missing an eye I kid you not I've been afraid of cats ever since " Bella finishes with a shiver "come on lets go to the pet store I can't deal with any more of this" Mary says as they walk out the door

~On the way there ~

"So did you have any child hood pets dearie?" Bella asks Mary why she's driving "I had a pet rat once" Mary says while they stop at a light "oh.... Huh... What was his name?" Bella asks concerned because she knows Mary "spud. His name was spud." She answers coldly Bella asks scared " What happened to him?" "My mom...*sigh* she stepped on him" Mary looked straight forward as they started to move again Bella knew it was wrong but she giggled anyway "She*snort*stepped on him......." She delayed her laughter" it's not funny I loved that thing like it was a child my dad gave it to me before he left"Mary responded now Bella really felt bad, there were no more words exchanged

~There at the pet store~

They get there and Bella almost jumps out the moving car "Woah hun be careful!" Mary yells through the parking lot the two women get in there and Bella runs straight to the puppies "Mary loooook soooooo cuuuttee!" Bella squeals as the puppy licks the glass Mary shakes her head then she sees it the most beautiful thing she has ever seen(other than Bella ) its beautiful slender ..........Snake.. Ball Python to be exact she falls in love as soon as it flicks it's tounge at her"Bella get over here!!"she squeals like a child and Bella runs over there "No. Absolutely not. That will not be coming home with us." Bella looks disgusted "But pleeaaasseee Bella blue pleaasssseee!!!!" Mary continues to scream like a three year old as people in the store stare at them "at least ask to hold it first" is alk Mary says they ask and the man hands it to Bella her eyes go wide"Why is it so soft, like a feather"Bella says as Mary sees her facial expression change Mary wears a smug grin "How much for the little guy?" Mary asks Bella chimes in"Wait guy, how can you tell?"Mary starts to answer " Well his tale gets longer after the notch at the v phase of it and females have shorter tails" Mary stops and looks back at the clerk he answers "Well if were talking with all the necessities about $900" he stops as Mary goes through her wallet and hand s the guy cash as she looks back at Bella and smiles, Bella's sitting there petting the snakes head

~In the car agan~

"What do you want to name him" Mary asks Bella "Alexander" She looks up waiting for Mary to say something"I get to pick the other half so Alexander wiggles "Bella looks at her funny " What is with you and the ridiculous pet names?" Mary laughs "What I'm making up for the child hood I never really got to have let me at least have this" they ride home

~Le fin~