Yumi Backstory

5 years, 17 days ago

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     Yumi's parents, Johanson and Ruby Luce, didn't have the same opinion on having a child. Johanson didn't want to keep Yumi, whille Ruby kept it a secret that she did. They agreed to give him up for adoption not long after he was born. Instead of giving Yumi to the adoption center, Ruby gave him to her close friend Amelia Brooks. Ruby would often give Amelia money to help her out. Amelia would often give Ruby updates on how Yumi was doing. Growing up, Yumi didn't learn that Amelia wasn't his birth mother. 

     Yumi was home schooled and didn't get to see other kids very often. He'd mostly meet new friends while he was at the park. He made quick friends with one of the boys who would often be there. Yumi grew close to Alex and would often have sleepovers with him. Yumi begged his mom to let him go to a public school so he could hang out with Alex there, and she finally agreed to his request when middle school came. Once he was transferred to the public school, Yumi didn't really try making new friends. He had already heard of the rumors of a rich kid coming to the school, and he didn't want the other kids to use him. He kept it a secret about how wealthy he was, and stuck around Alex and his small little group of friends.

     Just before high school, Amelia finally admitted to Yumi that he wasn't his birth mom, and that he was actually adopted. Yumi was devastated with the news, and questioned why his real parents would do that. He started keeping to himself for a few months after that. It took some time before he started talking to his friends again. When he did, Alex gave Yumi his favorite hat. Yumi still treasure the hat ti this day. He's still looking for his parents, without knowing how close he actually is.