A Study of Hummus - The Boring Stuff

5 years, 13 days ago
3 years, 8 months ago
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Entry 4
Published 4 years, 11 months ago

...rather than try and fit this into exposition, I'll just write it out.

A Study of Hummus Miscellaneous content

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A not too Complicated Relationship with Water

Slime biology is a little like antifreeze - At a 50/50 mixture with water, it's at its most effective.

Less water and, unless other measures have been taken, severe headaches and muscle aches can result. One notable scenario where sever dehydration is acceptable is in a jump ship's sleep pods: other chemicals keep the occupant unconscious, and the smaller profile means reduced risk of encountering dark place radiation. Whatever that is. Look, everything's pitcher-black-than-a-cave dark when your ship is going faster than the speed of light. You need very good desensitization training if you're going to be awake for that.

Somewhere between 47% and 54% hydration is normal. And extremely easy to maintain on the homeworlds. They are humid places. So on a space ship that can rust an corrode, you wear more waterproof clothes and remember where the drinking fountain is.

More water and... well, those that do that regularly are generically known as water sluts.

A good chunk of that subculture behaves sort of like extreme bodybuilding subcultures - they are pumping and trying to make it look effortless. The more water content, though, the less natural control one has. Technique is important.

Nobody on the ship intentionally pushes past the point of no control - that WAS a disqualifier because of the risks it entailed - but some people back on the homeworlds, yes. It is completely possible for a slime alien to dissolve irrecoverably in a large enough body of water - you will never find a slime wanting to go for a swim.

"But what if I let the pool evaporate completely and-" look. Protein has a shelf life. And even if slime alien's arent based off cells as humans know them, beleive me, humans are in many ways more resilaint than slimes. Humas are just more alergic to sharp objects and crushing.