Friends are the Best Medicine

5 years, 3 days ago
4 years, 8 months ago
5 2021

Entry 2
Published 5 years, 2 days ago

Basically a Bunch of Sick Fic Prompts under a collection.

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Hospital | Pt 2

We've been taking shifts staying at the hospital with Koi while she recovers, and it's nice to get updates like that, basically on a daily/hourly basis. Unless Davis takes another nap. Then we can expect gibberish since Veemon can't read. At least Veemon tries. 

Just like Luciel's been trying to help around with errands and such. He's just so worried about her and I understand. It's rough for someone you care about to be in the hospital. Was that how Ken felt when I was in the hospital? 

Anyways, Liollmon and Kokuwamon stopped by the apartment to give me a long winded speech about Ryo being in Fukuoka visiting family and Kunemon was barely able to keep up with them so I could understand what they were saying. At least that explains things like not visiting her. Looks like I'm chewing his ass like grass later. 

The doctors say she's gonna be in a wheelchair for a couple of months and her entire left arm in a cast. Heh, guess she can't do anything really, but guess who has to cart her around.

Not gonna lie, I am grateful I don't have to deal with stairs doing this.