Mew verse

9 months, 1 day ago
9 months, 1 day ago
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Chapter 1
Published 9 months, 1 day ago

Story of the fantasy land of mew

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Shemp: a kind caring white cat with orange eyes and attenas with a long fuzzy shrimp tail, he's known around the village as the star child always helping people and going out his way to make sure the town is taken care of, he is a hard working student who is always studying after school but he does have a habit of sneaking out of the house to go on adventures with his friend and is easily pressured to do stuff, he loves orange colored things and ice cream from chepe shop. age: 14

Charmy:a kind, somewhat smart,but prefers to hang out by the beach very social!, loves helping shemp with his homework, he often carries his seal plushie around with him and has autistic. He loves his best friend shemp in a cool bro way and loves the adventures they go on with there other pals age 14

Chepe: a ice-cream shop owner who is a cat with a seal tail she's known for selling the best ice cream that's themed around rabbits with various flavors but she dislikes her rival mochi who runs the marble soda and cake Cafe, other then her rival she's very sweet and hardworking person her favorite customer is kiku since she always has gossip to spill about mochi

Violen:a waiter at chepe ice cream parlor she's slacks off most the time always on her phone scrolling on mewogram, but she's still takes her boss seriously even if chepe might be 18 and adorable she's very stirct and on her constantly

Kibble: marble soda and cake shop she's 19 and her shop is kirby themed her bedroom is also just a pink mess mostly filled with kirby plushies she is very tired 24/7 and always dozing off in middle of work but her home made marble soda is still #1 in mew verse She's quiet good at her job since she homemakes everything