Monochrome Rainbow

7 months, 3 days ago

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In the lonely town of the black and white world, lived a colourful girl. Everyone in the town were black and white apart from the girl. They were all… indifferent. Let’s call the colourful girl… Seven.

Seven was a girl about 16 years old. She glowed in this heavenly white that hugged her warmly, wore the most colourful dress in the entire world and had a cheery personality. Sometimes her cheeriness would become that of a monochrome person like the others in this world. She would listen to the people’s problems. Taking advantage of this, everyone treated Seven terribly. Often mistreated, Seven felt as if she were trapped in a box. She would listen so much that it choked her sometimes.

‘This box is getting smaller and smaller every day.’ She thought, ‘There’s not much room left in here for me…’

What would she do when there was no more space left? Would she get kicked out and become useless? That very day the box got too small for her, she insisted to stay in this lonely world. The people begged her to leave.

‘Her colourful presence ruined our mentality.’ They all said, nodding at each other in agreement of one another. ‘She is simply nothing but a nuisance to this stupid world.’

Seven was clearly taken aback. After listening to so many of their problems and comforting them, she felt as if she were just like one of those obsolete products you’d find on the kerbside, no longer useful. As days passed, the special colours that meant so much to her began to leave her. It’s a pity such a lovely girl was treated this way. As all the colours left her, the emptier she became. The emptier she became, the more alike she was with the others.

And she did.

She became like that of a black and white person in this black and white world.

Indifferent. That’s what everyone liked to call it.

She no longer was able to express herself. She was just an empty, hollow shell now.

Seven was an empty, hollow shell now.