
4 months, 17 days ago

bsdrp oc mini story

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Dorothy peaks from behind curiously watching Palmer as he wrote on several A5 letter papers. “Whatcha writin’?” she said looking at the papers sprawled across Palmer’s desk. Having not felt Dorothy’s presence nearby, Palmer sharply turns his head around and attempts to cover the written papers with his arms. “N-nothing… Why are you minding other’s business anyway? Didn’t Lawson give you more work to do?”
It was true; yes, Dorothy wasn’t minding her own business. But how could she not ignore the cute letter paper that Palmer was writing on? It was completely out of his serious and intimidating nature to write on pastel pink paper with loads of cute cats on it! “Well…” Dorothy sighed, pulling the closest chair, and sitting on it, “I’ve never seen you write on pink paper buddy. Tell me, is it a love letter? Who’s it for?”
Love Letter. Two words alone turned Palmer from annoyed to fully red. “OH MY GOSH???” Dorothy exclaimed now leaning even closer to Palmer “WHO? WHO? WHO? PALMER! WHO IS IT—”
“Aargh! Who are you? My love consultant?”
“Aww… But we’re already this far into the conversation. Plus, you’re all red. Can’t you just tell me who it is?”
“How about the conversation ends here,” he points at Dorothy, “and you do your assigned work.”
Both of them stared at each other, Palmer looked displeased contrasting Dorothy’s mess of excited emotions. After a long moment of silence, Palmer finally broke it and sighed. “Haah… You really won’t leave me alone until I tell you huh?”
Dorothy blinked back smiling brightly almost as if she were an extremely eager golden retriever. “Well… Who is it? Spill it, buddy.”
Palmer grumbled something that Dorothy couldn’t make out and followed it with another sigh. “It’s Charles.”
“CHARLES!?” Dorothy shouted, “AS IN CHARLES HARPUR—”
“Lower your voice down. Not everyone—”
“I-I-I mean I knew just from looking at you two, you guys felt particularly close but woah…”
It really was no surprise to Dorothy. In fact, she was kind of expecting it already. Both Palmer and Harpur weren’t very good at hiding it when everyone was at PADA’s main branch.  “Hmmm maybe I should send letters to Frankie…” she wondered.
“I doubt she’d read any.” Palmer replied, now sealing all the paper he wrote on into the matching envelope, “Judging by her personality, she probably wouldn’t even open it. Send some letters to everyone in Yokohama instead of Miles only.”

“Hmm I guess you’re right…”
“I always am. Are you saying I’m an unreliable near-middle-aged man?”
They both paused for a moment and then Dorothy burst out laughing. “Pffft. You’re so silly sometimes.”
“Eugh… Whatever. I’m off to drop this off at the post office or something. So go back to work. You’ve wasted enough time.”
“Says the one writing the love letter during work hours!” Dorothy called out to Palmer who had already headed out, “Well! Back to work I guess…”