Violins and Lullabies

4 years, 8 months ago

In the dark of the night, two Dropzillas sing and play music for their little ones.

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She plays the violin on a dreary night, candlelit bedroom glowing in the dark. He claps in time with the violin, singing cheerfully to two pink eggs glowing with health as he lays his tail around them, bringing them in close and slathering them with his jelly. They feed jelly to them every day, every night, three times, four times, five, six, it matters not, they do it so often that the eggs have grown and grown, becoming a beautiful sight to behold. She plays, he sings, it all evens out in this rhythm called life that they cherish and hold close together. A tune, a song, words and music float together and intermingle into a beautiful duet as they sing and play together, giving life to the eggs that they cherished so much. Their children, her children, his child, her child, they were so beautiful in their eyes that they couldn’t help but sing and play every day. They cherished them, dearly, and they will cherish them forevermore.

Author's Notes

SHORT THING IS SHORT but I think it's nice, my usual style! It shows how happy the two parents are in their situation, I feel! Quite nice, imo~ Hope you enjoy the short flash fiction!