Catacombs Prompts

4 years, 8 months ago
4 years, 8 months ago
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Entry 3
Published 4 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to the prompt secton of catacombs! Here you can develop your characters and guild. There will be prompts every week, some will require writing and some art of your cats. By doing prompts, you can earn EXP for the cats that you do prompts for. EXP will be awarded at the end of every week. Please look out below for the current week's prompt!

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Prompt 3: August 25-31, 2019

What was a turning point in your cat's life? At what point did they decide what inspired them, motivated them, and drove them to make certain choices about their future?

"I don't think I ever heard why you decided to try founding a guild," said Aiden thoughtfully one night as he and Gilgram lay in front of a fire. It was a cozy little thing, in the middle of the Virtuous common room. Aiden lapped at the water in his bottle and looked at the guild founder meaningfully.

"Uhh," Gilgram stammered, "I'll tell you if you tell me why a merchant!"

Aiden snorted into his water. "Sure," he said genially. "But you first." He very much enjoyed Gilgram's stuttering as he tried to avoid the question and then finally settled down when he realized that Aiden wouldn't budge.

"Well..." Gilgram said finally, "it was because I've always wanted to be sort of a hero." Aiden's tail twitched, indicating Gilgram should continue. "I always heard of the 'legendary hero this' and 'legendary hero that' who 'fought for Catalena' or 'defeated this horrible monster' and...I wanted to be one of them. I wanted to be famous and rich." He looked down at his paws, looking guilty.

Aiden dipped his head. "They're not terrible things to aspire to," he said gently. "I wanted to be famous and rich when I was a kit, too."

"It's just," Gilgram mumbled, "I feel like I've failed. And that I've been selfish. And that all my dreams are nothing but smoke in the air."

Aiden scooted closer to Gilgram, hoping to comfort the younger cat. "You're still young," he said. "There's plenty of time. We just have to find the right cats. Show everyone how amazing it is to be part of this family. Gil," he continued, "you're determined, you know what you want, and you won't stop at anything to get it. I've seen you annoying everyone down at the town center." Here, they shared a chuckle. "Someone's bound to say yes eventually."

Gilgram's mouth twitched. It wasn't quite a smile, but almost. "Now you," he said softly, looking up at his friend. "What's your story?"

Aiden snorted. "It's nothing special, really. I used to be a forager--and was pretty good at it too--but it never felt like something I wanted to do forever. Then, I saw this merchant who had the prettiest goods and loot and I looked at her and thought to myself that I wanted to be like that. I wanted to be rich and have lots of pretty things."

This time, Gilgram laughed. "I guess we have a bit in common then, huh?"

"Yup. So I apprenticed myself to a merchant--a different one--and stayed with him for a few years before he proclaimed me good enough to hawk goods on my own. So I was alone for a few years before I met you." What Aiden didn't say was that he had hoped to semi-retire into a more established guild but something about Gilgram had drawn him in. Maybe it was the youthful enthusiasm or maybe it was Aiden's own desire to help build something greater than himself. Leave a lasting mark behind. Maybe his name wouldn't be sung across Catalena but it would be known among the Virtuous. And that was enough for him.