Wendigo Alpha Lore - Birth of a new Alpha

4 years, 8 months ago

Just some lore ideas

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The Alphas live for a very long time. 1000 or more years. And they have to mate with a Human to produce a new Alpha. So when they come across a worthy - in Annikas occasion a man - they mark them through a bite into the rips. The mark won't kill them but leaves a permanent scar. Because Humans have a shorter live the mark will get passed down to any new male baby the chosen man gets and this goes further and further until the time for a new Alpha has come. A female Alpha will test-mate outside their mating season with a worthy man beforehand while using their controlling powers to make them submit and then mark them if the man/woman is good for their purpose. Some man or woman will do it on their own free will because of thinking of an Alpha as a god or goddess. So in an Alphas livetime they choose up to 1000 or more Humans to be their potential mates. When the time comes for a new Alpha the current Alpha calls the one they have chosen in the end. The call can only be hear by the chosen man/woman. The chosen one will than come to the Alphas lair.

The Alpha can shape their size to become only as big as a human for the mating. So that they don't accidentally kill their chosen mate.