VoK Prompts

4 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
35 43247

Entry 3
Published 4 years, 7 months ago

Valley of Kings prompts for leveling up. NP = Not an official prompt.

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Time / B01

B 01: Basic writing prompt
Word count: 366 (new words)(in red)
Earning: 1 white feather for every 200 words

Each pride has a their own view on the time, so with the founding of the Ukusizana Pride, their own time system was developed based on their major events, primarily the pride's founding. The day King Intukuthelo founded the pride, known now as Usuku Lokuziqhenya or "Pride Day," marks the beginning of their time keeping. The beginning of their year is also on this day, labeled as one more than the previous and PY, or "Pride Years." The years before the pride's founding are denoted with BP or "Before Pride." For instance, Kuth was born in 5 BP, founded the pride on Usuku Lokuziqhenya year 0 (because it was neither before the pride or a full year of the pride existing), and died in 15 PY, having lived an exceptionally long life due to his abilities. His wife, Queen Ubuciko, as two years his junior, was born in 3 BP, joined the pride in 3 PY, and died in 12 PY, at which point Kuth retired as king and Queen Amanzi was crowned. (A normal lifespan is around 15 years)

Until the pride's fall, each year will be labeled PY. This day is celebrated annually at the end of summer (the celebration runs from sunrise to sundown) and also marks the Festival of Graduation (all birthdays and age/rank increases) for ease, since most cubs are born in the summer.

Specific dates and times aren't noted or recorded, but general months, or "moons," are. A month runs from the night when the moon isn't visible (a new moon) to the next night of this (we know this to be about 28 days). Each moon is named after an object in nature, as the pride recognizes each to have special meaning beyond just the seasons and weather. Twelve moons make up one year. Usuku Lokuziqhenya is the division between the Papyrus moon (the end of the year and last month of summer) and the Amber moon (the first month of the year and beginning of autumn) but doesn't fall in either. Following the Amber moon is the Squash moon and the Maple moon (the end of autumn). The Evergreen moon starts winter, which runs through the Crystal moon and Caribou moon. Spring is made up of the Blossom moon, Fawn moon, and the Willow moon. Finally, summer is the Apricot moon, Monarch moon, and Papyrus moon. After Usuku Lokuziqhenya, the cycle repeats.

(Ubuciko is two years younger than Kuth, Zeki and Ukwazi are four years younger, Lakais three years older,  and Umuso is four, Amanzi is ten years younger)
(Moon names are subject to change)