The Racrar Exodus (Geo)

Geo Show More
4 years, 7 months ago
4 years, 7 months ago
2 1089

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 7 months ago

Geo the garxie and Kaelo the flyena in their Racrar Exodus events.

Kaelo is one of the NPC characters that ppl without a flyena could use for the events.

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Writing 1

Was this a dream? Strange events have been happening.  There was a  lightning storm that made no sound, how could this be?  Kaelo was sure  it must have been a nightmare caused by whatever disaster turned his  home, a once-beautiful paradise, into a hellish wasteland.  But he had a  sinking feeling that it was not a dream after all.

It couldn't  be the end could it? Kaelo wondered if there was something he missed, a  part of the world that was not destroyed by the storms.  But he and the  other flyenas have been searching desperately, for years.  If there was  still life, they would have found it by now.

Kaelo was wandering,  lost in thought, until he saw a strange light.  He went to investigate  it, and found a beautiful and colorful scene of an alien world in  between some rocks. He stared at the portal, not knowing what it was or  if it was even real.  Kaelo walked around to the other side of the  rocks, but did not see any life.  He dismissed it all as a hallucination  caused by hunger.

But part of him was still curious about the  strange scene.  It couldn't hurt to take a closer look, could it?  Kaelo  returned to where he saw the light and noticed it was still there.  He  stepped forward cautiously and stared at the scenery, trying to  understand it.  This was nothing like Racrar!  Is it another strange  event, a sign of the end?  But it didn't seem threatening at all, in  fact, it looked inviting.

Kaelo closed his eyes and slowly  stretched out his claw towards the grass he saw in the portal, and then  tore out a few blades of grass.  He took his claw out of the portal and  was shocked when he saw the grass in his claws.  There was something on  the other side of that strange scene.

Kaelo decided he wanted to  investigate what was on the other side of this strange scene.  He slowly  and cautiously stepped forward, and then stepped into the scene,  keeping his eyes closed.  When he got to the other side, he opened his  eyes and saw a strange creature.