Looking for the Light

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

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Chapter 1

I awoke in bed, the side of my face pressed up against my pillow. I could feel that a portion of my blankets had fallen off but I didn't bother to move it back. I had gotten used to the cold anyway.  I had awoken early but didn't get up, I would take in as much rest as possible until the alarm sounded to change the guard.

I could hear the soft breathing of my soldiers around me. No doubt they were already awake and simply soaking every second of rest they could before a new long day of work like myself.  I opened my eyes and looked over at the occupant of bed beside mine.  He was laying on his back, his eyes open and staring up at the ceiling of the tent.  He was just a kid, just barely out of training.  The war hit as all hard and shattered our lifes, but now it had gone on so long that children were being born into it and growing up in it.  This kid never had a childhood, never seen peace.  I couldn't understand that. Why someone would fight for something they knew nothing of. I knew what I wanted, to go back to normal, but this war was this kid's normal.  But yet he was so determined to fight.

My thoughts were cut short by the sound of a horn, signifying the changing of the guard. Dispite my drowsiness I instantly got up.

"Get up and get going!" I yelled as the once still and quiet tend instantly became loud and bustling with movement.  I made a beeline for the exit and pushed away the flaps of fabric used as a door to face the outside world.  It was dark and cold, the sky was pitch black, dotted with stars. It was a clear night, not a cloud in sight.

As the night guard left the tents the day guard climbed down their posts and made their way in to sleep.  There was no free time here, only work.  My life is only work, out here in the darkness, surrounded by others living in darkness.  As I made my way to my post I was cut off by a young 'cet, couldn't have been more than five years old. A kid that young should be asleep, should be able to play out in the sunlight. But instead due to this war they are raised in the dark, destined to be part of the night guard.  The kid stared up at me, wide eyed and in awe. After all, I was the commander, the closest thing a child here could get to a role model or celebrity.  Don't be like me kid, I am not to be praised.  I lead people into death and push them far passed their limits, only for the selfish goal of walking free and seeing the sun once again.

"Excuse me," I say as I walk around the kid and they break out of their trance and dart away without a word.

"Those kids need to learn where they are going." My ears turn backward at the sound of a familiar voice before I turn my head to see my captain.  A stunning black and blue viscet known as Brooklyn.  She came to my side, her head held high with confidence and pride. She was feminine and beautiful, but determined and fierce.  Her strength and intelligence was unquestionable and I would happily entrust my life to her.

"They'll learn, its not like they have parents that have time to teach them." I say as we walk side by side to our posts.

"Or they will become your adoring fans," She said. I snorted,


"Oh come on, a big tough battle scared commander?" She nudged me teasingly. "So cool!" She raised the tone of her voice to sound like a high pitched child.

"I'm only cool when you don't know me." I insisted. She overexaderated a thoughtful expression.

"Hmm you're right, you are kinda a dick," she said.  I smiled slightly at her before we parted ways.  I climbed up the ladder up the walls of the camp.  Once at the top I started checking over the weapons available to me left by the day guard.  I can hear someone coming up behind me but I don't bother to look up.

"Looks like I'm with you tonight commander." 

I look back, its the young soldier standing tall and focused. His eyes held a determined fire to them you could only see in those who had not worked for years. The battles slowly drain that away from you.

"What's your name soldier?" I demand.

"Marko sir," he replies immediately.

"Alright Marko, get those touches set." I order.

I watch him from the corner of my eye as he takes a touch and its set ablaze, he didn't use any matches or oil. I straighten and look at him with a somewhat surprised expression.

"I wasn't aware that you were a caster, wouldn't go be out in the battle field?" I asked. Spell casters almost always get sent to the front lines, even rookies like himself.

"I'm only here temporarily sir," he said. His paws were around the flame as he brought it down to a manageable level.

"Well then," I look away from him. "Enjoy it while it lasts." I say solemnly. The front lines were a likely death sentence, this guy was running on borrowed time.

"Oh I do, in a world full of darkness you must take note of the light," Marko said, a slight smile on his face. He looks up.

"Its like the sky, all black and cold but yet, there are still stars, flickering bits of light. And then there is the moon, the light at the end of the tunnel you know? Your end goal. I want to go back home, to my brother, and I'll make sure that I do," he laughed softly. "I'm sorry sir, I think about these things a lot up here." He said before going silent and picking up another torch.

I stared at him for a second longer before looking back to my own work much more thoughtful than before. Find the light in your life. In all these negatives could I find a positive? My ear flicks backward at the sound of someone climbing up to my post.

"Commander! I need you for a moment!" It was my captain.  I smiled and sat down my weapon before turning around. I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to find the light within the darkness.