Festive Rolls

4 years, 4 months ago

With the holiday season, that includes many things. Like decorations, drinks, and lets not forget the upcoming grand feast that’s just around the corner! The tribe is hard at work making the place look festive and presentable. Both as a clan, and personal family traditions as well! What special things do you prepare? What mouth watering food will you be making and getting ready for the coming feast? Delicious recipes passed down from generation to generation? Something new? Let’s savour it all and get those preparations going!

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“I’m so excited!” Elred beams, clapping his hands together, he couldn’t wait to try all the knew recipes he had prepared. He has been practicing things other than pies and he wanted to surprise his tribe. Of course, he would make pie but he’ll try making this new recipe he has been preparing too. 

“Of course we know what you’re going to bring” one of the tribe members poke at his side and Elred squeaks in surprise. He just huffs and looks away as a few giggle at his reaction and nod at the toskal that poked Elred. Everyone knew his love for pies and his talent in making them but it wasn’t something annoying, Elred loved sharing his pies and the other toskals seemed to like it as well. 

As the tribe meeting finishes and the toskals bustle around excitedly, talking to each other about their recipes and what they had planned. Elred immediately heads home so that he could plan and prepare, a few others seemed to have that in mind as well, heading right home to make sure they had enough of the ingredients. 

Elred’s home was cold, it wasn’t a surprise, it was winter after all. He throws some logs into the fire and lights it up for some warmth while he heads into the kitchen to gather his ingredients. So far, everything seemed to be in order, he was just a little short on some berries but it wouldn’t make that big of a difference as long as the alpha managed to mix and cut it up well. He got to work right away, chopping up some fruit and rolling the dough enough to make five pies. He pressed the dough against the bottom of his containers, making sure they were good enough before adding in his berry mixture. He didn’t know whether he should make berries, pumpkin, egg, or apple pie so he decided to make one of each, the fifth pie being a meat pie. 

He wondered what everyone else was going to bring, he hoped there was hot cocoa. Of course there would be hot cocoa, many tosks in this tribe made excellent hot cocoa. Elred straightens his back and rolls his shoulders tiredly, his neck and lower back hurt from being bent for too long but Elred was finally finished with the pies. He looked out the window and saw some Toskals already making their way towards the house in which they gather for the feast. Did he really take that long to make pies? 

“Oh crap” Elred grimaces as he carries the tray of pies to let it start baking. They were heavy, he didn’t know how he would be able to carry all of these to the feast, he’d probably have to make multiple trips…but it was cold, he didn’t really want to. Did he have enough time to make his other recipe? Yeah he had time, probably, after all the pies still needed to bake. 

Elred washes his hands and cleans the counter before preparing for the other recipe, it was a vegetable roll with a meat and bread lining. Elred had attempted this many times before and failed but the more he practiced, the better he got at it and soon enough, it tasted great, the secret was to add more meat and less orange vegetables. 

An hour passes and Elred was finally done with everything, the pies were hot and the vegetable-meat rolls were made, they were put in wooden containers but it was far too heavy for Elred to bring in one go, where was Lax when he needed help. No, that was a selfish thought, his bondmate was of course, doing his own preparations. Elred was excited to see what the smaller alpha had prepared. Elred didn’t really like surprises but food surprises? That’s a totally different story. 

Elred carries one tray, grunting lightly at the weight before he exits the house, he had to make sure to get the second tray and stop the fire in his fireplace before staying at the feast, hopefully he remembered, he didn’t want the food to go bad or be too cold and he definitely didn’t want his house to be set on fire. 

The cold bit at his tail and feet as he walked but the heat of the newly baked pies and rolls had his arms and chest feeling warm and happy. He greeted other toskals as they walked, some with trays, other with bags or jugs. Elred was happy, this is what a family felt like, a big (sometimes chaotic) family. The feast was going to be great, Elred had no doubts about it.