Ole's Literature

4 years, 2 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 4 years, 2 months ago

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--- 1) You've heard of rituals like these, performed by arcanists and diviners to contact spirits of the dead on hallowed nights. In all those stories, something must be offered up for the rites to work, but there's no guarantee that the spirits will answer....

Requirement: Draw your Reosean taking part in Lich's ritual and offering something of their own: bones, food, or sentimental trinkets.

Collaboration with imcaspar - Lif0rneir0a Featuring vayrons Destan 9121 - Ole 10114

Ole landed in front of Destan who had been hiding around the hillside, behind which they had discovered the strangely looking skeletal Vayron who seemed to perform some kind of a ritual. At first, they had only seen the lights in the winter night and hoped for shelter as it had just started snowing and there was still quite some way to go until they’d arrive in the city of Roenden. This distance to any civilization made it even seem more interesting to find somebody performing a ritual out here, which was especially tickling Destan’s curiousness, who had lately begun to research the mostly forgotten magic rituals performed by the ancients and some parts seemed familiar to him. As the snow started to get denser, Ole had decided to fly a few circles over the stranger’s head, who did not notice the huge flyer above and now told Destan what he had seen. “Whoever that creature is, I have not met him before, such a weird one I would surely remember. He looks almost as if he was created by some dark magic himself and not very healthy how he is hanging there in front of that altar”, the skeletal Vayron spoke. “An altar? Do you think it’s one of the ancient ones?” “I had said so, who would nowadays build one new if they are still standing around everywhere. Around it, he had placed a bunch of candles and bones and other stuff, while the circle seems to be made out of bigger boulders that are actually sat into the ground.” Destan’s face made it more than obvious he was thinking intensely about what would be the best to do next. On the one hand, it didn’t seem as if this individual would be too happy about visitors as he went out into nowhere in the middle of a stormy night but then this might be one of the few chances to ever take part in one of those rituals, as nowadays most of the old knowledge had been forgotten and barely anybody even believed in those spirits anymore. Ole was rather skeptical when it came to magic and therefore quite suspicious about approaching this stranger who probably had no good in mind, but being a skeletal Vayron his massive strength made him not worry too much. Slowly they approached the ritualic circle on foot while having an eye on the stranger who, while they were closing in, seemed to start with whatever he tried to accomplish out here in the dark. Intending to speak to such creature, they set foot into the circle, which resulted in him immediately turning around and starting to speak to them with a broken voice: “Why are you interrupting me out here in the middle of the night? How did you find me in the first place?” Captured by the look of that creature, Destan was not able to speak for a while. Its face was so skinny that it almost looked like a skull, while legs and wings were missing skin and flesh so that the pure bones were exposed at many spots. Clearly, this could not be a normal living being with a body of such bad condition, so maybe it was rather not performing the ritual itself but was the product of one? Those thoughts also went through Ole’s head, but he was less overwhelmed than his Vayron friend and answered the stranger’s questions. “We were on our way back home when we saw the lights from the path and hoped for shelter, but I have to say what we found is clearly more interesting than expected. What are you doing here? I am sorry if we interrupted you, it surely was not our desire to do so.” Ole replied. That reply started to make the stranger, who called himself Lich, explain that he was trying to get in contact with a ghost from his past with the ritual currently performed. Destan’s eyes started to sparkle, he had heard many stories about those rituals before and carefully asked Lich for permission to participate. To the Duo’s surprise, the unnormal creature agreed after a short pause, telling them that together they would be able to achieve stronger energies and higher the chances of success, which were rather low when performing a ritual alone. Upon the question why Lich had not asked for help, he only replied vaguely that he was not too much of a people person, leaving the intent of curiousness that had made Destan ask this question aside and vanishing hopes to find out soon what it was the Vayron had in front of him. Upon Lich’s request, both Ole and Destan put a little fur of them inside a golden goblet that had been placed in the middle of the altar and some personal belongings on the outside of the circle. This was to make the spirits know who was here with him, Lich told his two guests and started to pour a strictly black liquid into the goblet, shortly after lighting the inside on fire by performing magic in a way that was mystical even to Destan. And just at that moment, the snowstorm around them seemed to fade out and the moon shone upon the circle to a hole in the clouds. It had something truly extraterrestrial to see this in the middle of the otherwise extremely dark night to stand in this circle of light. Next off, the skeletal Vayron asked whether they had any belongings from their dead friends or family members who they would want to meet during the ritual and while Destan had to deny such, Ole had with him an old amulet he once had been given by his grandfather who died years ago when protecting the family from a dragon’s attack. He closely watched Lich after having given him this artifact of family history, which was worth more than any other item in the whole world to him and warned him to better not lose it in the ritual. The Lich looked closely at it and his face brightened up when something made him think this was suitable for their plans. Now having put this beneath one single teeth on the altar, the lich began to spell out words and make sounds with his mouth the travelers had never heard before, what made the moonlight disappears again and in contrast to that winds started to swirl around them, that were clearly not natural as they made a layer of snowflakes circle around the ritualic ground in a wall of coldness that made them feel separate from the rest of the world, perhaps fitting quite well the state in which they were right now. Destan stepped closer to his Tyrian friend and whispered “Do you see this too?”, only getting a mumbling response from the overwhelmed being, who had before not believed in such rituals and was even more overwhelmed as his beliefs in the world were changed from the ground up. Suddenly all snow fell to the ground and the howling wind noises disappeared. In complete silence, shadows of light started to appear around them, slowly forming creatures that looked unreal in this world.

Ole: Personal work + 1 Added Reos + 2 Anomoly Entry + 3 1204 words + 12 Total = 18

Destan: Personal work + 1 Added Reos + 2 Anomoly Entry + 3 Land Bonus +1 1204 words + 12 Total = 19

Nisha 8306 - Kanani 7837 - Ole 10114 - Warrenfall - Hunting - Fox and Carp

Kanani, a vayron who happened to be with Nisha at the time suddenly bumped into a large tyrian named Ole. Or at least they discovered his name later on. Ole seemed to want to hide it until he trusted them more for whatever reason, and Nisha seemed to understand. "What brings you here?" He requested information. Nisha wouldn't respond, careful of the stranger but Kanani was happy to. "We live here. Nothing is meant to bring us here. Only ourselves!" she joked. After trades of sentences, Nisha would interrupt the conversation to answer his first question. "We are here so we can hunt. You're welcomed to join but please do not get in our way." "That may prove difficult due to how huge I am!" The green tyrian joked. He seemed to notice that Nisha just wanted to get through the hunt for the day, the starter prey being a fox. Kanani would talk about how she was fairly skilled at hunting such creatures, even though it wasn't always a fun thing. Sometimes she would discover them injured but she would at least be there to finish it all off. Kanani seemed to be quite sweet, which was another thing Ole would notice as she discussed it. Here in Warrenfall, foxes happened to be everywhere. Currently, they were right inside a forest, Ole dodging trees after being slapped in the face multiple times. "I always preferred rabbits. I like how fast they are," Nisha added. An orange coat of fur rushed past them, Ole striking out almost immediately which lead to almost whacking Kanani in the face. Kanani laughed at how clumsy he was and warned him to be more careful while Nisha chased after it. Kanani followed them behind but told Ole to fly over trying to see where they were, which lead him to raise himself to the sky and track down the creature. Lucky for Ole, there happened to be a thinning of the trees and the coat of orange fur was easily found. He would tell Kanani and Nisha where it was in case it looked like they lost track of them. Kanani seemed to be doing well with Nisha, guiding it into each other's claws. Nearly capturing it, it managed to getaway. Kanani warned Nisha of where they saw it disappear with Ole flying down capturing it in his teeth, or at least the tail. it tried to claw his face so he allowed Nisha to finish it off with Kanani putting it into his bag. "Thank you," Kanani responded. "Now to get some carp," Nisha decided. "I know a place where we can get some. Over here." Nisha walked away from the group back into the forest where it was thicker and there was a large pool of water easily seen. "Here is the spot. There's carp here which happens to be something else I enjoy hunting." "I can see why. They are one of my favorite meals!" Kanani exclaimed. Ole agreed and flew over to the lake of water, landing on the shore which had pebbles that were smooth. Surrounding the water was large trees and bushes with birds up in the air. Nisha and Kanani walked over to him, signaling to start with a flick of Kanani's tail. "We can start now. We don't have to directly help each other either since its fish." Nisha agreed and seemed to automatically go to a spot without a second thought. She focused on the water, trying to see the fish which was swimming downstream. While she did that Kanani was a bit closer to Ole in case she got hurt. Ole was a large green tyrian, and with wings like that, he could easily help rescue her and get her help. Almost right away she caught a fish, throwing it onto the shore. The water rushed through her fur. Ole seemed to compliment her but she didn't seem to hear it. Ole focused himself, which proved fairly difficult since the water seemed to want to push him into it. He was for sure a swimmer, but it was difficult... in water like this. Moving further downstream into the deeper parts with the lake, he started to swim and managed to capture multiple fish fairly quickly. He was the one furthest down, Nisha proving successful after multiple attempts which he noticed right away. The fish was far easier to capture for young Ole. Nisha continued to capture the fish as she would jump into the air when they did, capturing them in her powerful jaws gracefully. Kanani seemed to catch another three, which surprised Nisha that she didn't get more. It was easy to tell that she was still fairly new to fishing, and for one of her first times, it was still impressive. Soon enough they all got out of the water and thanked each other before leaving. Added Reos + 2 Hunting + 1 Land Bonus 814 words + 8 Total = 12 Florencia 8790 - Kanani 7837 - Ole 10114 - Warrenfall - A-QUEST 2: Wooly Business (Farmer: Huckleberry 2758)

Keeping an eye out for the heads of Florencia and Kanani, Ole was flying lower than normal. Within Warrenfall, the air was extremely windy. The flight was fairly difficult for this young Tyrian but luckily he had tons of practice. Next to that, he had to defend his two friends. He didn't know Kanani very well, but well enough to desire to protect her. They were on a mission after all, so their protection was most important. He heard stories of wolves attacking the sheep, some larger than natural wolves are. Perhaps from the meals they've been getting. They decided to check it out for themselves to help them out, trying to rid the cause of the deaths of sheep. The grass was bright but turned dull once the sun began to fall beneath the horizon. The wind managed to die down a bit, leading Ole to go lower to the ground since it was safer. Trying to get pieces of their conversation, Ole heard them speak about ideas for winning the future battle against the wolves. Pretty much without him. "You realize Im in this group too right?" he commented.

"Of course! But to be realistic, as long as we are not inside a forest where the trees stand too tight for you to fly, no wolves stands a chance against a fully grown Tyrian, so the concerns we spoke about aren't really viable to you", Florencia answered, looking at the Tyrian who had landed and was walking behind them for the sake of the conversation, and added the following as she didn't want to seem too harsh: "Obviously we can talk about this stuff together, I just thought you wouldn't be interested in it."

Ole thought about her words for a moment, before replying: "I just want to make sure we have a good plan, because if something happens everybody will see me responsible as I have the biggest strength due to being a Tyrian. I have to say I am quite concerned about going through the tight forest where even I'll have a hard time seeing wolves approaching. Couldn't we take a different way than the one we came?"

Kanani responded to Florencia. "We are almost there. In fact- I see the family of vayrons!" she exclaimed. She quickened her pace as Ole flew forward to land in the open. He was paying so much attention to the conversation while flying that he didn't even realize how close they were. Florencia smiled at Ole as he landed.

"See?" she commented.

"Whatever," he responded as they met up with him. The vayron that walked up to them was brown with a kind face. Kanani's expression seemed to lighten.

"Huckleberry!" she exclaimed. It seemed like the two knew each other.

"It's nice to see you again. Im sure you heard of my situation. Kozel has been gone for a while doing duties so she hasn't been there to help," he responded.

Huckleberry was a mid-aged Vayron, with fur patters in a light brown on a white ground, who stood out quite well in the grass-green and rock-grey of his surroundings. Ole noticed his sluggish gait and messy appearance and thought to himself that both probably were caused by the trouble of the wolves attacks in the days before. With relieve written into his face, he listened as Ole explained that they planned to start making their way back the next morning, as soon as the sun had risen above the mountains and enemies couldn't use the shadows to hide anymore.

"For the night we will sleep outside next to the herd so there will be no more casualties," Florence added. Shortly after Florencia and Ole went out to the herd and while the later one would just sleep in the open, Florencia used the little shed there that would provide some shelter from the harsh winds on this mountainside. As Kanani and Huckleberry seemed to have a lot to talk about, they had decided to watch during the night, sleeping one after the other.

Just as the other two had expected, Huckleberry and Kanani talked for the following hours, before finally going to sleep at around midnight, as especially the sheep's owner needed it really badly after staying up many nights to take care of them. In the meantime, Florence and Ole had both finished a three-hour-long session of watching out, with so far no abnormal events disrupting the silence of the night. Soon enough Huckleberry came rushing out of nowhere, urging Florencia, who was on watch, about wolves arriving. Soon enough, after Huckleberry continued to panic the howls were heard. "Wake up!" Huckleberry urged Ole and Kanani with Florencia's help. "They'll be here soon. We need to get the sheep into the barn. I'll do that but I do need you guys to protect us."

"Alright," Kanani said through a yawn. Ole seemed ready right from the start, lifting up into the air after saying he'd scout them out. Kanani then spoke, "I'll protect Huckleberry as he guides them to the barn."

"Then let's hurry," Huckleberry said as he started to wake the sheep up and guide them. The barn wasn't too far, but it wasn't close either. Kanani followed the herd of sheep from behind, with Florencia following them around the outer end of the circle they created.

"We don't have that much time anymore, go distract the wolves while we’ll bring the sheep inside the barn.," Florencia told him. Ole lifted back into the air to distract the wolves. Once he got there he would swoop down to scare them, but soon enough he was getting injured from it and had to flee. Luckily enough Huckleberry and Kanani, alongside Florencia, got to the large barn where Huckleberry then urged the sheep to enter, closing the gate. Huckleberry stood outside the gate, ready to protect.

"I'll go around onto the side. They may try to break through the fence. Is the rest of the walls fine?" Kanani asked Huckleberry. Huckleberry responded truthfully, saying that they were. The barn had hay sticking out from parts of the wall, showing the sheep were well fed. Additionally, flowers grew on the bright green grass surrounding the fence. A part of the fence was broken, where Ole was put when he returned. Florencia stayed with Huckleberry, being a skilled fighter. The wolves came shortly after, Kanani attacking the first one. Only a few stayed when they say Ole on the ground, batting many away. Florencia bit into the hind legs of one, while Huckleberry attacked another. Kanani made the last two that remained, flee away.

Added Reos + 2 Personal Art +1 High Class Quest + 2 Land Bonus +1 1103 words + 11 Total = 17