Cheer up Recipe

4 years, 1 month ago

Prompt for Onigiri's Quest - Sunshine Soiree.

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Summer Celestial out of commission
Culario’s Celestial soosh, Hanabi, has gone missing and is nowhere to be found. With her out of commission, some of the local residents are desperately gathering their forces to return the Celestial’s physical form in time for the festival to go on.
While they diligently work on their attempts, several Culario’s citizens have decided to help bringing the sun out in her absence; in hopes Hanabi will be back in time for her own festival, keeping the cycle of the important cultural happenings in Culario untouched.
Calling out all citizens willing to help in the sun endeavors: Please meet up at…

Brigadeiro pensively folded the newspaper in front of her after reading the plaza’s address. The situation seemed bad, but everyone was trying so hard for things to work out… she wanted to help as well.

The sushicat paced around, thinking. Problem is, she didn’t think she was bold enough nor fit for attempting to bring the sun out; she wasn’t that powerful, and for sure her greatest efforts couldn’t even match a little fraction of a Celestial’s power. There wasn’t much she could do on her own, but…

There was something she was really good at.

If she couldn’t help cheering the sun up, she could surely help by cheering up the sooshes around Culario… The sushicat reminded herself of a trio of excited sooshes she had seen in the shopping district in the search of summer apparels, and wondered how sad they must have been with the news.

Surely, there would be some other sooshes feeling down with their summer plans seemingly ruined as well.

Brigadeiro, or just Bri, was born with a party heart inside her, a natural talent to make others feel more motivated, optimistic… happy. Part of this came from the delicious brigadeiro chocolate candies she made, which seemed to make other sooshes happy simply by having some.

Could it be because they were glad of having something sweet and tasty to eat, or because they were grateful of getting a gift from an unknown soosh?

She had no idea. But it made her happy as well. It was very clear to her how she could help now, and luckily she had everything she needed to make this happen. Opening up a smile adorned with whiskers, she stopped by the kitchen’s cupboard.

Condensed milk. Chocolate powder. Butter. Colored sprinkles!

Bringing everything to the oven’s counter, Bri put a small, colorful saucepan on top of it and lit up the fire. First, a butter spoon, until it melted with the heat. Then, the whole condensed milk can, followed by 5 tablespoons of chocolate powder.

Stirring it up while humming a happy song, she kept moving her paws, wooden spoon held tightly, until the mixture seemed good to go. It was a quick and simple recipe; 5 minutes would suffice.

A good 30 minutes cooling off in the fridge got her the time needed to gather all the colored paper wraps capriciously organized inside her tupperware bowls.

After the brigadeiro mixture was cool enough, she carefully rolled it into balls the size of the wraps with her paws, lovingly placing the candies inside them before sprinkling all of it with a hearty amount of colored star shaped sprinkles.

Closing the bowls’ lids, she promptly organized them inside a bag, and fastened its belt onto her torso. Before leaving, she left her wife, Beijinho, a note; saying where she’d be, and asking her to meet up there.

Bri would save up one candy for Beijinho when they met up later, she thought, going through the door with a hopping pace, smile on face, and a hummed song on her lips.

It was a quick and simple recipe... 

But it was made with love.

Author's Notes

I might do most of these prompts in the writing format if the group ever make prompts again, I really like writing things up but very rarely have time! I find it a lovely way to develop and show a character's personality and mindset, since it goes a bit deeper than what the eyes can see ´v`

This time I went with my girl Brigadeiro. Thought the theme could fit her well! There's a little reference to my other work Summer preparations: commence! as well.

Sushi Dogs are a closed species based in deviantArt.