Harara Adventures

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
8 1356

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 10 months ago

A collection of very short stories for the Harara Event Sidequest.

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A Trial Of Luck

Ace sat in front of one of Brouhaha's slot machines, renown for it's rare and luxurious rewards. People came from far and wide with tokens to try their luck for relics and potions, and many often came home with smaller prizes and a disgruntled expression. Ace was confident he'd win something somewhat noteworthy like a tome, more common potion or even some kitbull crystals. But Brouhaha's slots were unkind to him, maybe they sensed that Ace wasn't too happy to be here and desired to mock him. Roll after roll, common household items like Moon Cheese greeted the red Browbird. He had enough Comet Bulbs to feed a small horde of Kitbulls at this point, and quite frankly he was sick of them.

"Not even one thing of note.." Ace grumbled to himself, leaning back into the chair. "Well, I'll just do one more roll."

Inserting a token into the gaudy gold machine, Ace watched the screen shift between images of items over and over, for what felt like forever. He just wanted something to take home that wasn't a food product he could buy from a market. He watched the screen begin to slow, grazing across the various rarer items. Mythic Potions, hylos relics, various golden objects he couldn't catch the name of. Hope rising, he couldn't help but grin.

Tick, tick, tick. The machine slows further, seemingly dawdling on a Gift of the Eclipse. Ace feels his excitement rise, this had to be his good luck. This would be the item he would show to Camellia, he could see it being a family heirloom. Today was the day and he was ready for it, one hundred percent!

The machine's screen stops, and Ace feel's his hope and excitement sink. Dragging his hands across his face, Ace slumped further into his chair.

"Another Comet Bulb."