Harara Adventures

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
8 1356

Chapter 3
Published 3 years, 10 months ago

A collection of very short stories for the Harara Event Sidequest.

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Family Training

Camellia stood in the vast training grounds, overwhelmed by the mere options of training routines. Ever since the Pharaoh Heru had announced that there would be several competitions throughout the city, practically everyone had been practising everything. Camellia was hoping to enter one, but upon seeing all the possible competitors and the tasks, she realised she wasn't going to win any of the tasks. Camellia wasn't nearly as strong, fast or smart as everyone around her. Sighing gently to herself, Camellia contemplated going home.

"Are you alright Sunflower? You seem to be staring off into the celestial seas." Ace inquired, kneeling down in front of Camellia and unintentionally startling her.

"Ah, Papa! It's nothing, I'm fine!" Camellia smiled at Ace, shoulders tense.

"Nonsense, you look extremely tense. Not to mention you only smiled with your mouth," He chuckled softly to himself over the second comment, "Are you feeling out of place here?"

"I am.." Camellia sighed to herself, "I'm not nearly as cool as anyone else here."

"You and me both dear Sunflower, " Ace placed a hand on Camellia's shoulder, ruffling her hair with the other, "How about we both practice our magic together?"

"Of course!" Camellia beamed, rubbing her hands together and lowering them to the ground. Wood magic was her only developed aspect, but this meant Camellia had been learning how to use it in more practical and various ways. From growing flowers to repairing small damaged goods with vines, Camellia was confident enough in her magic. Focusing on growing something small from the earth to warm up, Camellia's palms began to glow a faint yellow.

A yellow flower emerged from the earth in a small yet somewhat spectacular fashion, petals sparkling fainting from non-existent morning dew. More smaller flowers, in vast shades of yellow and orange, sprung forth from the ground as if prompted by the first. Each one sharing the same sparkle and filling the area with a gentle scent of morning bliss.

"I didn't intend to grow that many!" Camellia gasped, leaning in closer to admire the flowers.

"Perhaps they grew because you're magical capabilities have grown too. After all, as you become more skilled more spells become second nature," Ace smiled, rubbing his hands together, "It's the same with my illusion magic too. Raising you made one specific spell as easy as breathing for me actually."

Ace's hands followed suite with glowing, and sprung forth a strong blue tone. The blue leaked into the air around Ace's palms, creating a school of sparkling blue fishes. They swam across the sky, humming a gentle melody. As they oh so gently manoeuvred within the air currents, Camellia was greeted to a strong sense of nostalgia.

"I remember practicing this spell everyday for months on end until I got it down pat, and now it's second nature," Ace reflected, turning to face his daughter, "I'm sure you can outdo me by the time you start getting deep into the art of magic. But right now let's go do some stretches Sunflower, stretching is vital before we get into the serious part of training."

"Of course papa!" Camellia hopped from the ground and skipped ahead to a nearby set of mats, grinning to herself with newfound ideas. "I'll train as hard as I can, and show everyone what I can do!"