Maddie`s Bio

3 years, 9 months ago

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Maddie is the next to youngest of her litter, she may not be the youngest but her family more or less treats her as if she is, which often leads to her acting like a brat. She will throw fits, pout, cry, and do anything she thinks is going to get her what she wants. When she is not being 'Babied' she act`s like a Diva, everything must be just right or she gets mad. Maddie Loves Collecting Jewelry, especially stuff made by her mom, she also loves being around horses and has a plushie of her favorite horse friend. She is Pigeon toed in all four paws, though it doesn`t slow her down one bit, oddly enough though her paws are fairly straight when laying down, but when she is standing or walking you can tell for sure.