
4 years, 2 months ago
322 1

Mild Violence

She fuckin dies

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Author's Notes

Oh man, totally didn’t implement some of my issues onto Iniki haha totally didn’t. This totally isn’t a reflection hahahah but nah this was seriously fun, thank you to everyone who let me use your Aurus! Needless to say, I think you all know how she ended up reincarnated now. Sorry if the text is a little funny to read, if you have questions I’d be happy to answer! Btw, Valerie is the one asking for a talked peace. But whom decided to speak and land the blow? That’s up to interpretation.


“Hey Lir?” The little auru spoke quietly as she lightly tugged at the blankets.
f9d18d69c7d7e767563c7943f42461bb6378a63bThe Aurubi stirred and sat up. She hadn’t been asleep yet, but had been dozing off. She looked at the little green auru by her side, instantly noticing the teary eyed look. “What is it? Are you ok? It’s the middle of the night still. Is something wrong?” She asked a what felt like a million questions at once. The auru looked up at her.

“I’m not a monster am I?”

Lir looked at her in shock. “What!? Of course not. Why would you think that? Did someone say something to you!?”
Iniki shook her head with a sniffle. “No, I had a weird dream again but it was scarier this time. I was bigger. There were others like me there. They.. called me a monster... A murderer.. but I didn’t kill them. I only found them. I only stumbled across the body! I didn’t kill them! I don’t even know who they were!” Her eyes pleaded with Lir to believe her.

24814445_gSuMdg4jMjlUGyF.png“Hey, come lay down. It’s alright. It’s just a dream.” She spoke in a soft voice.

“It was just a bad dream. That’s all it was. We’ll head to see Sirius tomorrow. You’re just needing some time away from these crazy pirates.”

“I promise you, you’re not a monster. Ok Iniki?"



”It was you! You did it!”


“No! I didn’t! I would never-!”



“But it’s true! I didn’t-”


”She would never have killed anyone!”



“Maybe not by her own claws. But what about the monsters she creates?”
“You have no proof!”


“We can talk about this! We don’t need to jump to such serious conclusions!”


”No! She was the last one he was with. We can’t afford to have any traitors in our midsts!”

