Store Prompts V2

4 years, 16 days ago
3 years, 7 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 4 years, 16 days ago

Storage for Valley Of Kings on CS.

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S10: Tropical Vacation, Part I


Coho paddled around in the turquoise waters. The coastal breeze on his face, the salt in his mane. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed the ocean when he'd been back in the Guild's camp.
       Akunu lounged on the beach, watching her mate splashing about in the water. She laughed as he trotted onto the land and shook himself off, spraying her with water droplets.
       "Hey! Watch the lightning!" she teased.
       "But sweetheart, how can I watch it if it's not even there?" Coho returned, laying down beside her. Akunu had her lightning wings retracted for the moment, like she usually did when she rested.
       Akunu flicked her tail, causing a surge of lighting to flicker from the tip down to the base. "Better?"
       They both leaned into one another, enjoying each another's company. Coho had been planning this vacation to the tropics for over six months, and they'd finally gotten a chance to get away and really enjoy some alone time.
       When Coho felt like he was getting baked, he stood up again and stretched. "Why don't you come in with me?" he invited, grinning. "It'll be fun."
       "Me? Swimming? I don't think so." Akunu flexed her claws. "Lightning and water don't mix."
       "Oh, come on." Coho nudged her shoulder with his forepaw. "It'll be fun." His eyes gleamed. "I'll teach you to swim."
       Akunu didn't respond. After a few long moments of silence, Coho shrugged and padded back across the hot sand and into the refreshingly cool water.