The Fight for Salvus

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
12 19699 1

Chapter 9
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Explicit Violence

After all the trouble that has happened around the small town Salvus, the Militia decides to finally end this thorn in their side once and for all. Naturally, the citizens of Salvus have something to say about that.

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Aren didn't think she'd ever fought harder in her life. All her past adventures, all the past battles she'd been involved in - none could compare to this. Aren'dra was a swirling feline bundle of rage and sharp claws. Many of her dragons were off across the town of Salvus fighting in their own way, but a few had stuck by her. Boo, Gloom, and Quirrel had fought by her side as she charged recklessly through fight after fight. She'd been drifting slowly away from the rest of the Salvus villagers, leftover grief from Blizzard's end being taken out on the soldiers that were now trying to take away her home, too.

Aren'dra was always prone to fighting dangerously, of course. In all her time adventuring she had run into battles without thinking a large amount. But this was almost worse, and if it weren't for her dragons assisting her she would have started to worry she was getting in too deep. Instead, though, she felt as if her and her dragons were their own army, chasing back anyone that dared to come near the people she had grown to care about.

Gloom and Quirrel were a dangerous duo all on their own. The forest had become the center of Aren and crew's conflict, and Quirrel was using his strong claws to rip branches off trees and throw it at various attackers. Meanwhile, Gloom wrapped vines around them so that they couldn't dodge out of the way.

Boo and Aren were teaming up on their own, then. While Aren had her daggers and the swords she'd steal from the soldiers, Boo was far more peaceful. She would knock out the warriors or summon shadowy illusions to fool them into running away. Aren'dra had considered trying to argue with her on that, but Boo was just like that. She was kind where Aren would not be, and that would have to do.

The fight went on and on, and Aren started taking hits. She tried to shake them off, ignore them, and keep on going. There was no time to rest when the safety of so much was on the line. Eventually, though, she took one hit too many - a stray arrow pierced her shoulder, and she staggered backwards. Boo surged forwards to stop the attackers from hitting her rider while down, and Gloom and Quirrel hurried to defeat the enemies they had been dueling with.

Aren's injury gave new energy to the dragons, and Gloom sent swirling vines in every direction, keeping the soldiers away. Aren'dra regained some manner of her composure and threw her last dagger at the closest soldier. Boo snarled at the gathered soldiers, more upset than Aren had ever seen her.

"Leave. Now." Boo focused, and wisps of shadow gathered behind her, then formed around her body. Aren watched as her appearance changed from that of a bat-like cat dragon to a terrifying shadow monster. My goodness, that was impressive. Why couldn't have Boo done this from the start? Aren found herself asking that weakly in her mind.

The soldiers hesitated, for five whole silent seconds, and then the first warrior ran. The rest quickly followed, not wanting to be the last one left behind. When the sounds of battle had faded from the section of the forest Aren and crew were in, Boo let the magic fade, as well as the shadows. Gloom and Quirrel rushed up to check on their rider.

"You're not dying today, rider," Quirrel said gruffly. "Cause I don't intend to die, either. Are you alright?"

Aren frowned down at the arrow in her shoulder, and the pain that came with it. "...Aren might need a bit of a break," she admitted at last, "Though she is sad to say it. Better to fight closer to town, anyway, yes?"

Boo joined the group, concern in her eyes and a bit of fear, too. "Perhaps. But we need to get that treated, first."

"Bah. Aren can fix herself up along the way." She started to walk in the direction of most of the distant noise, but Quirrel stopped her.

"Get on my back, at least."

Aren sighed. "Alright."

Quirrel deliberately walked slowly back, to give the cat the time she'd need. Gloom stayed close, and Boo watched their surroundings closely for any trouble. Aren fixed up her shoulder and wrapped a bandage around it. It would work for the time being, until the trouble was in the past. There was no small talk, or even important talk, shared. They walked together in silence.

But apparently Boo wasn't looking hard enough - or perhaps their pursuer was just trying extra hard to be sneaky. The sound of wings echoed, high up behind the group. The group's heads turned to look at one.

A flash of red, a flash of jaguar fur. Tenoch descended from the sky. Aren found herself wishing she hadn't thrown that last dagger earlier.

"It's unwise to wander off," he said, with the most frustrating smile Aren'dra had ever seen. "There could be anyone in the dark." No sign of his dragons, but surely they would be somewhere.

The fury in her heart had returned. Aren snarled at him, threw the broken remains of the arrow in his direction, even though it fell before reaching him. "You're right, there could be." She slid off of Quirrel's back, preparing for a fight. "And you've come across the worst possibility, feather-head."