Duhoho's Origins

3 years, 7 months ago

Originally, Duhoho came to me as a fully fleshed out character through a dream. This also cemented him as my first orikero and was my first step into creating orikeros more deliberately in the future. After waking up from that dream, I managed to write it out (for the most part) in its entirety.

It occurred as a special episode of Keroro Gunso, happening some time after the series finale dubbed "Keroro Platoon Special Episode: Trouble in Space Time, de arimasu!"

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As the main forces have decided to entertain the Keroro Platoon's passive methods of invasion, they have begun assigning different tasks to them, all while allowing them to still use Pekopon as their main base of operations.  The Keroro Platoon receives a distress signal forwarded by the main fleet to them from an alien planet.  It is from a Keron occupied planet, one that was transformed into a resort and rehabilitation planet, used by Keronians and allied races alike.  The main fleet is asking the Keroro Platoon to head over to the planet in order to investigate and prevent a possible attack upon it, as the Keroro Platoon has shown remarkable success in stopping great catastrophes with the fewest (if any) casualties.  Keroro, somewhat eager to prove his worth as a leader for once (and looking for a promotion / bonus pay) is raring to go.  The Platoon rallies together and sets off, but Kururu wanders somewhere else unnoticed.


Once the Keroro platoon arrives on the planet via battle ready and least invasive mecha ships (said planet, now to be referred to as GX-9 for future reference), Keroro seems rather motivated, trusting his men will do their best to protect this planet (mostly because, if the platoon does it well there's a bonus in it for him.)  They search the planet and ask around (even Dororo was remembered, but Kururu is nowhere to be found yet, not that anyone seems to notice) but find no sign of any potential threat or any suspicious on-goings on the planet.  They reconvene at the mechs concluding that there really isn't a threat to the planet at all.  Keroro decides that since they're all there, they should take advantage of the resorts on the planet and have a good time before heading home.


Just then, Kururu appears in the background.  He seems to be doing his own thing, having arrived to the planet via regular civilian transport at the airport.  He's muttering to himself in his usual fashion, a device in hand.  He had a very good hunch that the distress signal they received was a fake, but why someone would send something like that is not clear to him yet.  As he is crossing between terminals on a street in view of the platoon, something catches the platoon's interest, but it's not Kururu.  At that same moment, there's a commotion as what appears to be a living doll runs out of one of the airport buildings carting something along secured quite seriously to an upright wheel cart.  Of all things, it's Putata.  The platoon, familiar with the mercenary, stops what appears to be his accomplice.  The doll turns out to be something that had been made with Putata's brush, as it dissipates with a single blow.  In that same instance, a familiar voice calls out.  Lilac hands catch the handles of the cart before it hits the ground.  Pururu straightens it and puts herself between Putata and the platoon, stating that she was the one who brought him here.  The reason why he was so restrained was because he had refused to cooperate at first and was rather slippery, but has since calmed down on the way over to GX-9.  Pururu states that the doll had been something she had made with Putata's brush to help her while she brought along her luggage, but because she did not know how to use the brush properly, the doll went out of control and ran off.  The reason for bringing Putata here was for a thorough evaluation and rehabilitation, as he was still suffering unknown effects from the Keromet during his time as a Shurara Corps member.


With confusions out of the way, the Keroro Platoon see her off, and head back to do their own thing for the rest of the day.  As the sun sets on GX-9, they return from the resorts, seeming refreshed and satisfied with their time on the planet.  They prepare to head home, but just then, a booming sound rings out from the distance.  People scramble and panic.  Pururu contacts the platoon to ask what is going on.  Just as they gather their bearings themselves, they find themselves surrounded by several towering, hulking goons of unknown species (appearing somewhat like the shark goons from the Keroro movie, sans the shark like appearances.)  A single Keronian descends upon them via hovership, laughing with satisfaction.  It turns out he was the one behind the fake distress signal.  Depending on such primitive Pekoponian technology as a base, it was easy to fake an official signal to dupe the platoon.  Dororo asks who he is, and he introduces himself as Duhoho.  He tells the platoon that GX-9 has long since been known to be a gold rich planet, however, the discovery was made after Keron had repurposed it, making excavation illegal.  With the numbers and authority of the Keroro Platoon, he seeks to force them to excavate the land for him, otherwise, he will simply destroy the planet himself.


Keroro of course objects, finding the entire proposition ridiculous.  Meanwhile, Pururu is still on the line, listening into the exchange.  Duhoho charges his weapon, making a new proposition: comply now or he will destroy one of the various medical centers on this planet until they do, and all it would take would be a press of a button.  Pururu still on the line, implores Keroro to cooperate for the time being.  Giroro agrees, as with the goons in the way, Duhoho would have enough time to cause some damage before they could reach their mechs.  As platoon leader, Keroro submits for the time being.  Duhoho, pleased by this, begins his resonance.  It forms an energy field around him not unlike Tamama's Jealousy Ball, before exploding and sending notable vibrations throughout the ground.  It knocks out communications and renders the mechs useless for the time being.  Duhoho informs them with smug satisfaction that the platoon had excellent taste in where to land, considering that there was a rich deposit of gold right beneath their mech's feet.  Keroro protests, stating that with the mechs inoperable, they couldn't move them out of the way.  Duhoho replies with cold indifference, telling him that that's his problem now and a risk he'll just have to take.


With his weapon, Duhoho marks out a 10 square meter area.  He tells the platoon they have three days to reach the deposit, otherwise the entire planet gets it.  He hands them shovels.  Giroro objects now, saying it would be impossible to make it to the deposit by hand in that amount of time.  "Better get digging then, dude." Duhoho replied with a wicked laugh.


Somehow the mechs do get moved and don't reappear for the rest of the episode.  It's growing dark, and the Keroro platoon has just about started reaching stone (which the shovels can dig up...because they're space shovels)  Giroro complains about the impossibility of the task.  Tamama agrees, slumping with exhaustion over his shovel.  Dororo agrees as well, but sees no other way what with the goons watching over them constantly and the mechs out of commission.  They would be successful if they tried to defeat Duhoho, but if the destruction would be worth it was still up for debate.


As they dug into the next day, Pururu was with Putata in one of the examination rooms of a nearby medical center.  Being somewhat sedated to ensure he wasn't going to try and run away, Pururu stood in as his representative.  Examining a few test results, the doctor suggests that it would be better to move Putata to a different ward that was better equipped to handle his case.  Knowing only serious cases went to said ward, Pururu is reluctant at first, not wanting to impress upon Putata that he was any worse than he actually was, but out of his best interest, Pururu agrees, and they are transferred via warp to a room in the new ward...


Except they aren't.


Because Duhoho had mucked up communications, the warp fails, and the two end up being teleported to the space over a near by resort's pool.  Pururu drags Putata out and seats them both upon a relatively large pool chair (intended for alien races much bigger than themselves.)  Putata is now entirely conscious, if not a bit groggy, after the shock of suddenly being chucked into a cold pool.  It doesn't seem like he has any intention on running, though, behaving himself and staying put on the pool chair.  They discuss for a bit, before a strong gust of wind knocks Putata back into the pool.  It's Duhoho on his hovership, with Kururu not too far behind.  Kururu managed to disarm Duhoho and destroy his massively destructive device, forcing him to rely on a less powerful secondary weapon.  Kururu lands a hit on Duhoho's hover ship, causing him and the ship itself to crash into some stacked pool chairs that topple over him and keep him pinned for some time.  He takes note of Putata, and asks him if 'his friend' (referring to Mekeke) is around, to which Putata replies that he is not.  "Good, he gets on my nerves, kukuku"


Pururu waves down Kururu, and tells him what's going on and what she heard over Keroro's com.  This confirms Kururu's suspicions, having traced the phony signal back to a ship cloaked and idle just outside of GX-9's atmosphere, which then, with this newfound information, points to Duhoho as the owner of it.  Duhoho then bursts out from under the pool chairs back on his hover board, charging at Kururu.  Putata, who is still in the pool and feeling slighted after being pushed, takes matters into his own hands.  Using his brush ( which he got at some point, I'm not sure myself ) he converts the pool water into paint water, and encloses Duhoho, himself, and Kururu inside, creating a temporary, enclosed dimension within it.


Back in the hole, the Keroro Platoon is making progress.  They've encountered some pipes which they have to rearrange in an attempt to not disrupt vital services in the area (their shovels can simply detach and reattach pipes with ease, because space shovels I guess)  Dororo tries to say something encouraging about their progress, but is interrupted by Tamama's outburst of rage.  Tamama begins to rapidly rearrange the pipes out of the way with reckless abandon, cursing their existence and making an already tedious task all the more tedious.  Just at that moment, a familiar face peeks into the hole.  It's Fuyuki!  He is followed by the rest of the Hinata family, Natsumi, and Aki.  The frogs are reunited with their respective humans (with Tamama and Dororo hanging around Aki for the time being.)  Fuyuki tells Keroro that Kururu had gone to fight Duhoho, at which point Keroro realizes Kururu had not been present at all this entire time.  The Hinatas begin to help the frogs out of the hole they had dug, when Giroro asks about the goons.  Natsumi replies she had taken care of them using the battle suit Giroro had made for her.  The family emerges out of the hole and they all head over to where Kururu's last location had been registered.  Upon arriving, they find a giant glob of water hovering over an empty pool, with flashes of light shining through the murky waters now and then.  Pururu heads over to them and tells the group what happened, to which Keroro rallies his men and they head into Putata's temporary dimension to aid Kururu in his fight.


Once inside, they come to find it's a world made up of flat, murky green walls, floors, and ceilings (very tall ceilings.)  Kururu and Putata are facing off against Duhoho who is holding his own well enough against the two of them.  At the sight of the family arriving, Duhoho seems shocked, asking what happened to his goons.  Natsumi haughtily states that Duhoho's stupid goons were no match for her, much to Duhoho's frustration.  He turns his focus on them next, causing them to scatter.  On the ground, they're somewhat outmatched, only Kururu having his hovership with him.  In a split second decision, Giroro calls out to Putata to draw him a hovership.  Putata is apprehensive, reminding Giroro of the durability of his paintings.  Giroro tells Putata with certainty that he'll make it work.  Putata then draws Giroro a hovership, which Giroro pilots like a life or death matter, knowing a single hit would cause it to disappear.


The rest of the platoon try and sort themselves out.  Dororo uses his assassin magic, Tamama uses his Tamama impact, but Keroro himself is left with little to support his men with.  In his desperation he wishes that he had his mech with him, focusing strongly on the image in his mind.  Just then, out of the murky walls, the mech manifests!  It turns out, Putata's dimension can bring even the imagination to life.  With this accidental discovery, Keroro hops into the imagined mech and joins the battle, the others using this knowledge to their advantage to overwhelm Duhoho in battle.  Just as it seems they're about to win, Duhoho knocks everyone back with a booming resonance, destroying the imagined weapons in the process.  Now that he isn't being cornered, he imagines a weapon for himself, the destructive super weapon Kururu had destroyed in their first encounter.  He looms over the platoon, charging it, declaring that he'll take great satisfaction in wiping them and this planet off the face of the universe.  Just as it is about to fire, an appendage reaches up out of the floor and drags Duhoho down.  Putata is suddenly looming over him, telling him that he's causing trouble and needs to get lost fast, before that same tendril launches Duhoho out of GX-9's atmosphere back into space.


With the Duhoho's threat gone, the pool water is returned to the pool (though it still has paint in it)  Putata joins Pururu once more, and they thank the platoon for their help in defending the planet.  Putata decides he'll go back with Pururu to Keron, with Pururu's promise that she would help him start his career again there so he can truly, and once and for all put the Shurara Corps behind him.  The platoon and the hinatas see them off as the sun begins to set once more, before heading back to Pekopon.