Feast of Flowering: Non-Mage

3 years, 16 days ago
3 years, 16 days ago
1 526

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 16 days ago

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Author's Notes

WC: 526, gold: (5 + 1 (character mention) + 1 (world specific)x2 (event) = 14
Outcome: 2) they go towards the voice

Non-Mage Story Prompt 1

She was not a small sheep. Compared to several - many, most - of the creatures she'd seen around she was small, but compared to many others - specifically other goaty and sheepy people - she was not. This suited Byblis well - she didn't really care too much about her size, but it was easier for people to hear her talk to them if she was closer to them than, say, a dik-dik. Honestly though, sometimes people still couldn't hear her, even if she was close to them. Alcippe couldn't always hear her. Just a few days ago, Byblis had been reminding her boss about the fish, especially Gus. He was dead, but also not, but also couldn't be anything else, but was the most active of all the fish in her aquarium. He was cool. So cool, that she was reminding Cipp about him, and mentioned in passing the Feast of Flowers, and the taller mare (not a goat, or a sheep), or any thing other than a horse) immediately encouraged her to go and celebrate. Bliss had absolutely the best boss!

That's why she was on the road now. She'd gotten a little lost, turned around, went downtown (okay, she didn't, but it sounded cool to say something like that), but was finally almost there. Theoretically. All around her, as far as the eye could see, was.... grass. So much grass. Why or how it grew so high, Babs did not know. Maybe this was so that those who were too tall to hear her would be able to eat? Maybe, but it seemed hard and harsh and sharp and kept sticking to her wool. Oh, she would be glad when she took herself off to be sheared in a few months time - it wasn't quite warm enough to go full "nude", but by goodness it was heavy and dirty and just entirely annoying.

Way too much fun to play with dyes, though.... the summer was not as as full of fun colors.

The sun was starting to set, long shadows growing though it was difficult to tell when everything looked the same. Maybe the sun wasn't actually setting - maybe the grass was just all up in her face. Maybe it was midday and she just couldn't tell, but she thought it might be almost sunset. She was tired like it was almost sunset, and she could smell smoke on the semi-stagnant air. That could be dangerous, but if she stayed away from the smoke..... she'd be safe! Yes, that's exactly the correct way to think. Casting off in a direction that did not seem to be smoky - while there was a plume in the distance, she had not noticed it nor really looked for it, so it was just her own belief she was going away - she suddenly heard someone crying. Well, that was unusual, unhelpful, and (in Byblis's infinite wisdom and perception) in a direction that wasn't super obviously towards the smoke. So, well, it looked like she was going towards the voice! After all - it was time for a celebration - no time for tears!