
3 years, 22 days ago

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NUMBER (3) Owner: KurosuAi

Name: Neoma

Age: 6

Bloodline: N/A

Birthdate: January 15th

Upload Date: March 27th, 2021

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Status: Single

Parents: N/A

Cubs: N/A

Personality: Neoma is particularly lax and doesn't go out of her way for much. She mingles with those who travel through her territory but otherwise stays pretty close to home. Perhaps after finding some more adventurous friends she would bother.

History: Neoma came from a small family consisting of a mother, a father, and a little brother. For a long time her family was cozy and a place of comfort for the belka, but after her siblings birth it felt just a little too crowded for her. So off she went on her way to find her own home. She traveled far north, eventually settling in a small cave, really only large enough for herself. She found living so far up the mountain range, she would have to travel below to find sources of food and the rare occasion, others of her kind.

Random facts:

  • Like many of her kind, she truly believes that one day her soulmate will find her, hence her staying close to her own home.
  • She has a large fondness for dried flowers, her cave is decorated with ones she's collected in the spring and summer time on her trips down the mountain.