
3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 3
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Aislinn's journey in finding a bondmate

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Chapter 3

I woke up again, just like yesterday, those tugs of curiosity of finding that business card from Winnie. I had all the tools, I could easily reach out to her, but I don't exactly have a reason other than: I was lonely. I twirled my fingers around my horns, a nervous habit of mine, and walked over to Lulu's flower bed.
"What do you think Lulu? Should I reach out to her?"  
"Hee hoo Lulu knows Aisy is lonely. Lulu knows also Aisy is scared. Anxiety Aisy calls it. Hee hoo hee hoo Lulu thinks Aisy should go volunteer somewhere Hee hoo."
Volunteer? How would that help?
"Why volunteer Lulu?" I asked, a bit perplexed.  The last time I took Lulu's advice I ended up in an obnoxiously large flower dress (which I fell over in) in quite a large gathering.  
"Hee hoo Aisy should work with people so Aisy can feel better about people." Lulu chirped.
She kind of had a point but people were.......not my cup of matcha tea. I twiddled my fingers around my horns for a bit more, deciding I would volunteer at a kids center. Yes kids were nice, brutally honest at times, but easy to talk to. I pulled on a dress with billowy sleeves and a few translucent spots to show off my wonderful carvings and swept downstairs to open the shop. I ran my pads along the cashier and smiled sweetly at the guide that flitted through the door, I would volunteer with kids after work I decided.  After work.