Fair Maiden [crack-fic]

2 years, 11 months ago

Pommel takes some orders too literally and interupts Reala and Nights's time alone (Crack-fic/One-shot/Flash fiction)

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Author's Notes

This is a fan-service crack fic written for MarshmallowBiscuit on DeviantArt

This short fic contains the following ships: Reala x Pommel and Reala x Nights

(Contains no mature content or even explicit romance, MB just likes Reala and Pommel's chemistry lol)

"Get lost," Reala spat at Pommel, hoping to catch sometime alone with Nights.


"It's been a few hours, aren't you concerned?" the purple jester asked.

"Why should I be concerned, she can take care of herself, can she not?" He tried taking Nights's hand, but she moved it at the last minute to grab a ball and toss it at a pile of bottle inside of the game stand of the fair-themed Nightopia. He screamed mentally.

"Besides, she paid allegiance to Nightopia, so you should be the one looking for her," he grumbled, staring at his pathetically empty hand.

Nights threw a second ball, knocking over another entire pile.

"Not officially," she hesitantly said. "So until then, you're still in charge of her."

She hit a third strike.

Reala died on the inside.

Nights hand hung by her hip, unattended. He tried taking it again, but Nights noticed and immediately slapped his hand away from her.

"Don't even think about it," she glared. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go look for Pommel, like a true friend would." She accentuated the word "true". And with that, she left Reala alone at the pastel coloured stand.

"Rats," he exclaimed aloud. Not only had he missed his chance with Nights, but he now also had to retrieve Pommel from whatever hole she had the marvelous idea of hiding in.


He did run into Nights a few more times while circling the Nightopia. Sunrise was coming soon and he knew he was becoming as equally concerned as his former friend.

Sweating, he mentally traced back all the orders he had given her before she had gone missing. His mind stopped on one: "get lost."

"ARGH, for the love of-" he cursed, while zooming to the hedge maze at the centre of the fair. Follow his instincts, he turned left a couple of times and ended up in a dead end. In it, he spotted a familiar blue figure.

"Pommel, you unearthly spawn! Have you been here the whole time???"

"In my defense, you did tell me to-"

"I know what I said," he said sharply, grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her to the closest exit. They took off into the sky.

He adjusted his grip on her delicate hand.

"Come on, now. Let's go home."