{{ The Time Of Day

catterfly Mous
5 years, 10 months ago
5 years, 10 months ago
3 6478

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 10 months ago

Explicit Violence

The night is darkest before the dawn. [ use https://paulschou.com/tools/xlate/ for hex code ]

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{{ Afternoon

[ * The door is closed, but unlocked. Left in a hurry. The cats are out, Beep is nowhere to be found, and Discovery certainly isn’t in the room.]

[ * A notebook is open on the desk.]

* 64 75 73 6b 20 69 73 20 63 6f 6d 69 6e 67 .

anonymous asked:

is 64 75 73 6b the name or the actual thing?

[ * You look closer at the hastily scrawled message. There is something on the other side of the page.]

[ * You flip the page.]

[ * This appears to be Discovery’s notebook on Lost Souls. There are a few described or drawn on this page spread. Each one has a little name by it.]

[ * Elendra. Aleph. Lidah. Dusk.]

[ * A sussurrus. Something’s moving in the heaps and stacks of items. Something big.]

[ * A light is on in one of the safehouses.]

[ * The notebook, in another, is still open.]

[ * Three cats and one small bird carefully trek across the landscape, skirting around colonies and collections of Lost Souls.]

anonymous asked:

*[Tries to look at the notebook more, or just knock it off if that fails]

[ * You flip through the notebook again.]

[ * This looks like years of notes, possibly decades. The pages are thin, but still sturdy. Information spills across each page, about Lost Souls in general, about specific ones, guesstimated dates, times, experiments.]

[ * The tight scrawling notes are often punctuated with a full page spread, with a larger drawing of a type of or specific Lost Soul, and information about them.]

[ * A quadruped with separated hooves. A collection of bird-like monsters. Something that looks like a flower. What appears to be a snake. The four most recent full spreads.]

[ * The cats circle around another heap, and startle a cluster of Lost Souls. They flee, Beep clinging tightly to Purr’s fur.]

[ * The light is off in the safehouse, the door locked.]

[ * Other Lost Souls come and peer at the notebook describing them. Not all of them want to stay lost, after all.]

[ * Discovery is awake, and puttering around near the radio. He tunes into various signals, jotting notes down about them.]

[ * It almost seems normal, except for the fact that he’s barricaded the door.]

[ * There are gentle creaks and groans from a few Lost Souls, nesting in a nearby pile.]

[ * The safehouse bows, suddenly. Something has climbed on top, heavy enough to flex the warding enchantment. Discovery nearly flips out of his chair.]

[ * There are only a few Lost Souls nearby, and none of them, or even all of them together couldn’t weigh this much on the old magic.]

[ * All of them minus one, maybe.]

[ * There are only a few Lost Souls of a gargantuan size, and one of them has wound its way on top of the heave to wait. It remembers doors, and being safe. It remembers there’s only one way out. And only one door to this safehouse.]

[ * Discovery… is panicking slightly.]

[ * More than slightly.]

[ * The radio is buzzing. The Lost Soul waits.]

[ * Discovery’s panic is starting to become seated in his bones. Double-checked the door: not safe. Double-checked, triple-checked the radio: nobody to transmit to.]

[ * The Lost Soul is still waiting.]

[ * At the very least, it’s still there. It might be asleep, for all Discovery knows.]

[ * (Discovery thinks very much that it isn’t.)]

[ * The radio is quiet, but Discovery is working at it, testing frequencies and messages.]

[ * Dead sendings. No responses.]

[ * The Lost Soul shifts slightly, and the bowed dome creaks wearily.]

[ * Discovery digs his fingertips into the table and takes a few deep breaths.]

[ * … ]

[ * The Lost Soul of a cat sneaks out of the safehouse through its broken window, leaving smatters of glitches in its wake. Beep, Meow, and Purr are nestled safely up in a blanket.]

[ * The Lost Cat darts away, looking for something. The other Lost Souls don’t pay attention to it, like for like.]


[ * Discovery tries the signals again.]

[ * The Lost Soul is heavy. The enchantment is straining, and if the Soul moves too suddenly, will collapse.]

[ * He has to find a way out.]

[ * … ]

[ * Somewhere else, the sun is sinking.]