
3 years, 4 months ago

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Showa wasn’t too happy to find out that he had to accompany this new dove, Prima. His handler sent him out for a delivery service and the droop eared dove smiled at him. “You aren’t one for a calm walk.”, she smiled and nudged against the rooks neck. Showa shuddered at the sudden touch and walked forward, eyeing the dove. After a while Prima stopped and looked at the crimson rook in front of her. “How are you able to be so stoic? Can we at least talk while we walk?” “Like what?”, Showa huffed back. “The weather is nice, right?” Prima tried to break the ice and Showa glared at the dove. “It.. is..” “Did you learn this attitude from your handlers?” The dove laughed and Showa’s expression turned angrier. “Don’t you dare drag my family into this. There are reasons why I don’t talk to others of my kind.” Prima looked at the rook and shook her head, what was up with that rook?


Time passed and the two reached the forest. “It doesn’t take long till we reach our destination.”, said Showa. “Why are we delivering the human stuff into the forest?” Prima looked at Showa and the rook shrugged his shoulders. “My family does this on a daily basis, don’t ask me why.” Prima sighed. Family here family there, he must have a great bond with them. They trotted through the bushes as Showa stopped. “There are more humans than I thought would be there. Let’s move slowly towards them.” Slowly but steadily they walked up to the humans as suddenly the ground broke in…


“Are you hurt?”, groaned Prima as she opened her eyes. “Could be better.” Showa stretched his back and looked around. Both of them fell down a trap which was supposed to catch bears and not kukuris. “What a shame that we two are stuck together in here. How about we talk now till someone comes and rescues us?” Prima giggled and looked into Showa’s red eyes. “Fine, as long as you leave the past rest and you don’t bicker about my family.” Prima nodded slowly and asked: “What are we delivering? And why out here?” “Told you my family does this regularly. Sometimes there are strangers checking on the stuff and my family dislikes this, so they do it that way out here.” “Is this allowed?” “I don’t know.. Prima. More like, I don’t want to know.” Prima nodded. This sure wasn’t legal but she brushed that thought off. They’re kukuris, humans can’t put them away because of that. “You know Showa, you aren’t all that bad.” Prima nudged against the rooks soft fur for warmth. Showa sighed but accepted the dove’s touch this time. “Let’s hope someone misses us and searches for us. I dislike waiting for too long in a dark hole.”, Showa growled and looked at the sky. “Don’t worry, we’re together in here…”


Time passed and it got darker as the two kukuris got rescued out of the trap. Showa looked at Prima and smiled a bit. This sure wasn’t the last meeting both of them had…