Bad Batch Episode summaries but with Jessper

3 years, 3 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
11 16841

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 3 months ago

Here are some episode summaries for the Bad Batch with Jessper! (btw these won't be very well written. It'll just be things like 'then this happened, then this, then this!').

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Episode 2 - Cut and Run

So now for episode 2! Wooo

So the ship is travelling through hyperspace (have I mentioned the ship is called the Havoc Marauder? Probably not... oops) and Echo, Jessper and Hunter are lookin at a sleeping Omega and Wrecker (Jess may have took a sneaky lil picture of them with her datapad). 

Hunter notices Jessper still hasn't tried fixing her blaster wound and brings it up with her. She shuts him down, telling him that she's fine and that their health is much more important then hers but he insists that she help herself, saying that if she doesn't take care of herself, they won't have a medic to help them. begrudgingly, she admits he's right and goes to apply a simple bacta patch on her wound. 

Tech tells em all that they're approaching Saleucami and they descend onto the planet woo.

Everyone walks out but Omega is hesitant at first seeing as she's never been outside of Kamino before so the bright sun shocks her at first and she gets excited about dirt (I loved this scene oh my god).

The group all watch on before she finally starts following the group and they all make their way through a field of plants and Jessper asks what they're doing on the planet. Tech mentions that they're here to visit a friend of theirs and Echo asks who exactly is this dude. Hunter explains that the BB aren't especially good at staying off the radar but this friend of theirs has been doing it for years as a deserter.

But the conversation is cut short due to Omega almost stepping on a tripwire. Wrecker, being the boisterous boi he is, claims he ain't afraid of no trap and springs it. A bunch of battle droids spring up but before the group can fire, they're soon confronted by two familiar faces: Suu and Cut, the deserters they were trying to find all along.

The group are all welcomed by the couple and are invited back to their home (Also, Cut is a clone. I can't exactly remember his story cause the episode he appears in in Clone Wars was like around season 1 or 2, and it's been ages since I finished those two seasons.)

So adult talk happens which is just about the inhibitor chips, Order 66 and the Empire growing across the galaxy. Cut also mentions that good ol' Captain Rex had dropped by telling the two about the inhibitor chips a day before.

A couple minutes later, Cut and Suu's kids, Shaeeah and Jek enter and are all excited to see the BB (especially Wrecker who briefly becomes a climbing frame for the two). The two kids then become super interested in Omega seeing as they rarely see other kids, and Hunter lets the kids go outside to play (a true dad right there). Jess decides to follow and watch the three kids.

The two kids play with a ball while Omega just watches. She doesn't understand the purpose of the game, dodging the ball when Shaeeah passes it to her. Jessper walks forward, joining in to hopefully make Omega feel a little more comfortable around the other kids. Soon all four of them are passing the ball to each other.

From the hut, Hunter and Cut watch the four play outside. Cut asks about Omega and says that Hunter has no idea what he's gotten himself into with raising a child. He also makes a small comment about Jess which gets Hunter a lil flustered.

Cut also mentions that he's planning on leaving the planet with his family due to the increase of clone troopers around the planet.

Ok, so Jess is still technically back at the hut whilst all this happens so I'll just quickly sum it up. Basically Hunter and Cut go into the nearby town to find a passage offworld for Cut and his family but they find out they need something called a chain code to leave legally. So they now need to come up with a new plan to leave safely.

Back at the house, Jessper has now left the kids to their game, sitting inside with the other members of the BB. Omega accidentally throws the ball past the fence and she wants to go get it but Jek says they'll do it later. The two run inside so Omega does a naughty and sneaks outside the fence to get the ball. The two other kids soon realise that Omega is missing and see her outside the fence with a Nexu stalking up behind her.

Jessper hears the kid's cries as they run inside and she's up and out to find Omega running from the creature. Suu gets up on the hut's roof and tries gunning down the creature, Hunter comes out swinging his knife at the thing and it finally runs off.

Hunter starts yelling at her, which Jessper gets mad, noting that she's terrified and that him yelling won't make it any better. Cut comes in to save the day and tells Hunter that she's not a soldier. He takes it upon himself to check if she's hurt and Omega apologizes. Cut gives her a hug and carries her inside, reassuring her she's safe. Jessper gives a real good death glare at Hunter and follows Cut and Suu back into the hut.

Something something later about Tech agreeing to make fake chain codes for the family and we cut to Omega back at the ship sitting in the rear gunner's seat of the Havoc Marauder. Jess enters, searching for the kid and finds her crying, her lil amulet crown thing removed from her head and in her hands.

Jess comforts her, telling her she did nothing wrong. She also reminds her that Hunter has never taken care of a child before either. The two sit there and Omega gives Jess a big hug, telling her that she's sorry for trying to get the ball which Jessper kindly quiets her, saying that she doesn't need to apologize.

Later, Jessper has left Omega alone to give her some space and returns to the hut. Suu and Cut are packing up and she approaches Hunter. He's ready for Jess to grill him for his actions but she simply says that he didn't know what he was doing and that he shouldn't beat himself up over it. His reply to that was he asked Cut and Suu to take Omega with them.

Obviously Jess is a little peeved at that, saying that Omega will not like that and will most definitely plead to stay with the BB. Hunter tells the medic that its best for her and that living a life of running and hiding is not for a child. Jess is silent and finally agrees with him, but reminds him again that Omega won't be happy with that news.

So quick summary of this bit, basically their plan to getting the chain codes is by getting their ship impounded and sent to the spaceport so they can hack into the system and create some fake chain codes. Tech and Echo will be the ones to do that and remain on the ship while it basically gets 'space towed' away. Hunter watches as the ship is carried off to the spaceport and comments that the idea is good but could be risky with Omega on board the ship. The two are shocked to hear that Omega is on the ship with them and notice her in the gunner's seat. Oops.

So the ship arrives and it gets clamped down to the landing pad and Echo exits the ship to the security kiosk to copy the data and grab a bunch of blank disks for him to program into chain codes.

So yeah, he gets to the kiosk, downloads the data by sticking his lil robot hand thing into the control panel and snags some of the disks for Tech.

Whilst all this is happening, Hunter, Jessper, Wrecker and the family are all approaching the spaceport. Hunter contacts Tech and asks for an update with the fake chain codes. Tech has it all under control, but Jess tells him to move a little quicker as they'll be in front of the kiosk soon.

Tech and Echo hears some talking and see a large group of clone troopers marching outside. They comment that they can't get caught with the chain codes and that it'll be difficult getting past the army without starting a blaster fight. But they soon see that Omega is missing and some of the disks. They spot Omega sneaking around with the disks in hand. Oh no.

The group have finally joined the queue and still no chain codes to be found. Tech soon tells him that Omega has the chain codes and Hunter gets all freaked out. Wrecker goes off to find the kid.

Now here's where everything goes to shit but not at the same time. Echo goes outside and tries to get the clamp off the ship but gets caught. Omega bumps into an astromech droid which starts screaming in alarm. Wrecker fuckin punches the damn thing,

He then sends Omega to give the chain codes to Cut and Suu while he goes and helps Tech and Echo. So yeah, Cut starts worrying but Omega shows up with the codes.

Omega is surprised that Tech made five instead of four and Cut is all like "why haven't you told her yet?" Cut and his family move up in line while Hunter and Jess stay back to break the news to Omega. Obviously she is upset and asks if she did something wrong (poor bb). Hunter informs her that she didn't and that going with Cut and Suu will be better for her. Jess moves Hunter aside to talk to her.

She tells the kid that she might want to stay with the BB but a life on the run is no place for a child and that she should enjoy her child hood while she can. With one final hug from Jess, she leaves with the family.

So yeah, back to the other guys, Echo is still trying to get the magnet clamp off the ship while Tech and Wrecker keep the troopers back. Tech tells Hunter and Jess to return to the ship and they start heading back, Jess giving one last look at the sad lil girl.

So yeah the two join the fight, Jess being epic with her fighting and Hunter shooting troopers down. They join the other behind a crate and Wrecker ends up ripping the clamp off. They start boarding the ship before they hear Omega calling for them to wait for her. But a trooper grabs her by the ankle, tripping her as more troopers start coming forward.

Jess tells Wrecker and Hunter to cover her and she runs towards the kid and takes down the trooper pinning her down and helps her to safety while Hunter and Wrecker take out the surrounding troopers. The ship takes off, finally leaving Saleucami.

Omega finds Hunter working at a computer and apologizes for coming with them instead of going with Cut and his family. Hunter turns down the apology and says that he didn't need to get rid of her. Omega reminds him that she wants to be here with them all.

Jess watches on as the two talk, happy that both Hunter and Omega have put the fight on Saleucami behind them.

I haven't added anything else about her blaster wound yet as I'll bring it up in the next part. Plus, bacta patches work like... really quickly but yeah... I'll add onto it in the next part.