Rotten Girl

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
2 2454 1

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

Explicit Violence

(TW: Yandere content, gore)

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Chapter 1

Was I born to be in love with you? I don’t actually know. Sometimes from the thin walls that separate our dorms I mutter “I wish you would love me as how much I love you.”

I watch out for all your little quirks and secrets, keeping them to myself, pretending to guess on them when you’re down. Sometimes I wish the times you hold me would last forever.

I hear you have a guest over, your “girlfriend.” Can’t you tell she’s just hurting you despite being a cute thing with those curls? I know the next day you’ll gush to me about how wonderful the date was, not knowing how much pain I’m in. Maybe if I erase her, you’ll come back to me?

So that’s what I did. Snapped her neck clean off her shoulders. Burned the photos with flames of envy. I wonder if she knew of me aside from “Senpai’s clingy friend” ? As if that was my only trait. They don’t know me like you do.

So please let us have this dance?

I hear you sobbing after delivering the girls head. My time to shine, I put on my loving smile and nothing ever occurs to you that I did it. Koi, the sweet little thing who never hurt anyone and rescues strays killing someone? You’d have to be out of your mind to think that.

That's the joke. I did. :) Just like the other girls I put on your doorstep who got too close to you. Some days I also wondered if they knew me as only your clingy friend and the soft girl who couldn’t stand the sight of a cat getting hurt. Their photos burned as well, giving me a sense of warmth that I hadn’t felt in years. 

“Koi, how could you!? You slaughtered half of the girls in our grade and my girlfriend?” He was just as shocked as Koi was, strangely unfazed. As if she and Kronya had switched bodies or something. “Why!?”

”They got in the way Sen. The way of you and me.” Her eyes went all puppy dog as she hid the knife behind her. “I wanted to tell you for so long, but you just seemed so happy, and I was afraid if I told you, our friendship would be ruined.” He couldn’t tell which part was true and which wasn’t anymore. His little buddy, animal lover extraordinaire and cared for other people more than her own basic needs killed people? For him!? He didn’t ask for this.

”What the actual fuck is wrong with you Koi!? I can’t even call you that anymore can I!? What sick monster are you?” He took a step back from her towards the door. Where Koi’s trap laid, pinning him to the ground while she towered over him, a first in their relationship.

“Sen I really didn’t have to do this, but it seems to be playtime.” Her expression changed to a somber smile as she took the knife out and undid the buttons on his shirt and tossing it aside before plunging the knife right into his chest.

” Koi this isn’t like you. You need to come to your senses!”

”What senses? I lost them a long time ago. Just like you lost your human privileges.” Human privileges? That’s when Sen realized why she needed help with the taxidermy book. She was going to make him into her own personal doll. Before he could retort, she slammed the knife down again, this time killing him for good.

”I’m so sorry Sen. I just need to keep you safe.” Unpinning him from the ground, she picked up the corpse of her friend and took it down to her lab/workshop/basement, where she could keep him safe at last. Each organ was lovingly removed, replaced with stuffing and in some places, artificial joints so even when rigormortis set in, he was still her doll and just as posable as before. A specialized pump that replicated breathing and heartbeats placed in the center with a tender kiss before the wound was stitched up. Eyes replaced with glossy replacements that were animated with movement to simulate some sort of emotion. Mouth softly cleaned out and stitched into a smile. His vocal cords were replaced with a voice box she had control over, to perfectly replicate his every sound and inflection to make sure it sounded exactly like him when they cuddled. It was perfect.

It was her Sen. And he was safe. She tenderly moved his arms and wrapped his school uniform top around him before loosely tying his tie back in place. It wasn’t like he was going back there. Shoes were placed in an undisclosed location before swapping his gym socks with a pair she had picked out for him.

He was her doll and nothing could change that