[FRAG] Grieve in Blood

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence

Two Fragments struggle to get by, stay alive, and stay together.

For October 2018, I wrote a oneshot every day. Here they all are, consolidated in order. There is a sequel in the form of Keep a Secret.

Warnings will be listed in the author's notes prior to the chapter.

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Author's Notes

[Oct 28] The beginning.

Storm the Citadel I

Morning Star tried to keep his hands steady as he slid his keycard across the counter. Arco Iris glanced up from his computer, raising an eyebrow. Morning Star replied with a shaky smile. This had to go alright. This had to. He played with the satchel that hung off his shoulder, the weight heavy. The plan was haphazard and slapdash, but hopefully that would work to its benefit.

Arco Iris reached forwards to pluck the card out from under the glass. He pushed aside a soft drink and some papers, swiping it next to a keypad on the wall. It chugged and beeped.

"No Magnotris?" he asked, writing something on a notepad.

"Not today."

"Got a summons?"

Morning Star's eyes flicked down. There were a string of numbers on Arco Iris' paper. He couldn't discern any meaning from them. "No... just visiting a friend."

"Mmm." Arco Iris set the pencil down, reaching to punch in a set of numbers into the pad. "Well, have a good time, anyways! Can't hurt to take a break after the JH-Timeline."

"Right," he smiled and adjusted the satchel. The card was slid back to him and he accepted just as the doors to the Sanctum opened. "Thank you."

"Yeah, sure, anytime." 

Arco Iris returned to his computer. Morning Star glanced back as he passed through the doors, catching sight of a solitaire game. See? Nothing to worry about, he reassured himself, letting out a long breath he'd been holding. It was okay. Calm down. 

He stepped onto the first island as the doors groaned shut, locking him in. No going back now. He had to come here and finish what he'd started, before someone caught him. Before everything fell apart. Before anyone could stop him.

Morning Star crouched, opening his satchel and setting it on the ground. Molten gold crawled out of it and shivered as it formed a body around, and Sterling stood, cracking his knuckles. The two nodded at each other.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Morning Star asked. His voice felt small and fragile.

Sterling gave him a smile that held just as much nervous energy. "I mean, what other chance will I get to bash Jubilee's face in?"

"That's... that's fair."

"Do you know where the Overseers live?"

Morning Star turned, glancing out at the Sanctum. Last time he'd been here, Magnotris had beelined him right to the cathedral where the dinner had been held. That same building seemed as likely as any to be where the Overseers were, looming in the distance akin to its residents.


But, for the first time, he could truly appreciate the beauty of the Sanctum: lush, overgrown, and scenic, waterfalls poured into the heavens, dissipating into clouds in an otherwise-empty sky. The light was yellowed and peaceful, like the soft touch of the early morning, before weary, hot afternoon set in. The grass was teal, dancing in a soft breeze that pulled Morning Star's bangs into his face. Islands, linked by old, crumbling bridges spread out before him, each unique and most with some sort of cottage.

Had Magnotris chosen differently, he would live here. Would they have gotten an island to themselves? Could he had decorated it any way he wanted? Would he have even dreamed of overthrowing the Overseers, living as their neighbors? 

Would Cy have harassed him? Would he have witnessed Opalescent's brutal torture? Would he have helped form the cure for Corruption?

Morning Star's hands balled softly into fists. That was in the past. That was all different paths, that were untaken. There was no use dwelling on them. The only path that mattered was the one he was about to take, about to march down, in tandem with Sterling. He was no mortal. There were no alternate Timelines for him.

If he failed, he would suffer the repercussions for eternity. Treason of this degree was unheard of. There was no telling what the punishment would be. 

"I do," he spoke, after finding his voice again. "In that big citadel, in the distance. I know the way to it, though."

Sterling grinned. "Then let's get moving."

"Arco Iris!"

He glanced up and startled away from the window as Magnotris barrelled into it. The other panted, one hand on the counter, the other smearing on the glass.

"Uh, are you okay?"

"Did Morning Star come through here?" his voice was high, squeaky. Nervous. It was nervous.

Arco Iris narrowed his eyes before leaning forward, pushing his papers aside. "Um, yes, why? He went into the Sanctum."

"Oh fuck," Magnotris' voice cracked as he pulled away from the window, "fuuuuuck fuck fuck - you gotta let me in!"

"Calm down, first," the other raised his hands defensively, "you know I can't let you in if you're having a panic attack."

"Please, Arco Iris! This is an emergency, you don't - I have to stop him!" he turned back to the window, clasping his hands together pleadingly, nearly stumbling.

"Stop him from doing what?"

Magnotris faltered, eyes searching the small room as if he'd find an answer there. "I-I don't know! But Pretty called, and he said Morning Star had a gun, a gold gun, and I've been asking around, and people said they saw him coming here, and - we just had a bad interaction with the Overseers a few days ago and I'm just really worried!"

"Morning Star? With a gun?" Arco Iris leaned back, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure Pretty isn't just aggravating you on purpose? I mean, it's kinda been obvious he has it out for Morning Star. He could be pulling a setup to try to fuck with you two."

Evidently, this had not occurred to Magnotris: he stared, jaw slackened, hands slowly falling back to his sides. Tentatively, Arco Iris leaned forwards, offering a hand through the slot under the glass. He didn't dislike Magnotris. He'd offer support.

The other stared at his offered hand for a second before slamming his own down onto Arco Iris' wrist. He yelped, trying to yank his hand back, but Magnotris was stronger and pulled him closer to the window. 

Magnotris' expression hovered along manic frustration, and he hissed between his teeth, "Let me into the Sanctum."

Arco Iris stared with wide eyes before slowly inputting a code into the keypad with his free hand. The doors slowly pulled themselves open, and Magnotris let go of the other. They stared at one another for a few seconds before Magnotris spun on a heel and hurriedly stalked through the doorway.

The silence that followed was tense. Arco Iris blinked after him, breathing slowly. He reached forwards, picking up his cellie and slowly dialing Jubilee's number.

A leaf unceremoniously dipped from its tree and floated down through the air, finishing its travel by alighting on Morning Star's head. He grumbled under his breath, reaching up to swipe it away from his hair. Underfoot laid a carpet of leaves, crunching with every step. The cottage that sat at the entrance to the dark forest was quiet and homely, but unassuming. He sort of liked it.

"This entire place is spooky," Sterling muttered, close behind Morning Star. 

"It is," he mumbled, following the break in the trees. The path was obscured by the leaves, but he assumed it was the only place where the trees weren't growing over everything. Their branches blotted out the sun. 

As they passed the cottage, there was a scuffle of noise from within. Sterling paused first, staring intently at the door and taking Morning Star by the shoulder. He turned as well, blinking in surprise. The knob rattled, then turned, and the door was pushed open.

A beaming Fragment turned towards them, eyes closed, although a single large eye floated between his horns. Morning Star took a tentative step back.

"Please don't be scared!" he squeaked, gesturing excitedly, "My name's Believe, and I'm so happy to see you, Morning Star and Sterling!"

Sterling's eyes flicked to Morning Star's face, "Do you know this guy?"

"Um... no...."

Their smile, although seemingly neverending, seemed far more innocent than Cy or Archise's. "I know you don't, it's okay! But I have a prognostication for you! Please, if you could listen, I would really appreciate it! I've been holding it forever for you!"

"A prog- a prophecy?" Morning Star sputtered. 

That was more familiar. He knew there was some Fragment that had some sort of future vision, but he'd never figured out who or the limits of their ability. 

"Yes!" Believe squeaked, clasping his hands together, "But that's such a dry term - I'd rather call it a prognostication!"

Morning Star glanced over his shoulder. He could barely see the cathedral through the nest of leaves. He turned back to Believe. "Okay... just make it quick, please?"

"Don't worry, they always are!" Believe kneeled, slowly, smile seemingly frozen on his face. 

Morning Star stared, Sterling reaching to take his hand. Was he supposed to do something? Touch Believe, or close his eyes too? How did this w-

"105 32 116 114 117 115 116 32 105 110 32 121 111 117
105 32 98 101 108 105 101 118 101 32 105 110 32 121 111 117
121 111 117 32 99 97 110 32 97 99 99 111 109 112 108 105 115 104 32 

119 104 97 116 32 121 111 117 32 115 101 101 107"

He blinked as the voice faded. A soft blue glow faded from Believe's horns, as well. The voice was familiar, intimately so; it didn't sound like Believe's at all... but he also didn't know where he'd heard it before. Believe slowly stood, wiping off some leaves that clung to his skirt.

"Thank you?" Morning Star nervously offered.

Believe grinned like mad, "No, thank you for coming and hearing! I hope your future is bright!"

Morning Star pulled Sterling behind himself, blinking as he set back off through the woods. Neither spoke until they turned a bend in the dark softness and the cottage was out of sight.

"Did you hear anything?" Sterling inquired, curiosity piquing in his tone.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I heard a voice... I have no idea what it said, though. It felt like a string of numbers... I don't know what it means."

Sterling hummed. "I didn't hear anything."

"Maybe 'cause it was only for me?"

A third voice cut in, "No, because it's Magninium-based."

Sterling and Morning Star startled backwards as another figure strolled onto the path, emerging from a clump of bushes. Over one shoulder was slung an axe, and under their other arm they carried a large bundle of firewood. Their gaze was hardened, but not unkind.

"Hello?" Morning Star peeped.

They didn't respond at first, eyes flicking to both of the others' cowering. They stepped forward, and Sterling and Morning Star parted to give them room to pass. 

After a few steps, they paused and turned their head back. "Good luck, Morning Star." with that, they disappeared beyond the bend.

Morning Star stared afterwards. The ominous vagueness almost felt like a threat. Did those two know his plan? Were they genuine, or sarcastic? Had they warned the Overseers? He stood awkwardly, playing with his hands as Sterling stepped closer and took his wrist again. Doubts... doubts swarmed in his mind. Maybe he was doing the wrong thing. Maybe he needed to turn back now.

"Morning Star," Sterling whispered, "Come on, we're close."

He blinked, turning back to Sterling. The other stared back at him, eyes glittering in confidence and admiration. 

No. He was doing the right thing.

With a nod, Morning Star pulled Sterling towards the path.

Magnotris nearly stumbled, out of breath. Maybe he didn't need air to breathe, but the way it made his lung sting every time he couldn't get enough oxygen in his system was so fucking painful. With a wheeze, he leaned on the side of Believe's cottage. Orsanmichele had pointed him towards the cathedral, and he couldn't shake the deep unsettling fear that had nestled deep into his chest. There was no time to be taking a break, but he felt too sickly to not.

"Fuck," he choked out, sliding to the floor as his legs burned. He wasn't going to catch up in time. He wasn't going to stop Morning Star from whatever he was planning. No, no, no!

He had to! He had to stop Morning Star! Stop him, and drag him home, and give him a rest, a breather. He was so fucking stupid, letting Morning Star get so involved in the Coalition, letting him be exposed to the full brunt of its corruption and harm. Morning Star had been drowning, and he'd been too stupid to notice. What had he been thinking, dragging Morning Star along to watch Opalescent be tortured? What the actual goddamn fuck was wrong with him?

Even though the pain flared, Magnotris pulled himself to his feet. If he winged to the cathedral, maybe he could cut Morning Star off. Talk sense into him. Yes, perfect, that was a plan he could stick to-


He glanced upwards, blinking. Believe stared down at him, eyes closed as always. "Oh," Magnotris croaked out, pulling away from the cottage wall, "Believe... Believe, did Morning Star come through here?"

Believe stared at him for a second longer before tilting his head away. The smile he normally wore pulled itself into a quiet frown. "I'm sorry, Magnotris. I can't tell you that."

"So... wait, what? Why can't you?"

"I'm sorry. You're not meant to interfere in what's about to happen."

Anger stirred, and his voice echoed into a shout. "Bull-fucking-shit I'm not! Morning Star is my partner and I'm not about to let him do something stupid because of what I neglected to do!"

"It's not your fault. Forces beyond your control or influence orchestrated this."

"There are no forces in the Coalition that could stop me," he sneered, "and no Fragments outside of it that could stand up to me."

Believe stared at the ground for a second. His voice was small when he spoke, "These are not the Fragments you know."

Magnotris untensed, blinking as his shoulders fell. He pulled himself away, slightly. "What the hell are you - you're not implying Magnitude Fragments are involved, are you?"

"I don't imply anything."

Magnotris gritted his teeth. He didn't have time for this. Every minute spent beating around the bush with Believe was another minute wasted where he could be catching up to Morning Star. With conviction, he shoved Believe aside, not bothering to glance as the other stumbled to the ground and fell. 

He unfurled his wings, feeling the wind lick at his feathers. It was unfavorable, but he only needed to get across the island. Crouching low to the ground, Magnotris felt his entire body tense in anticipation for takeoff.

With a hard beat and a push against the dirt, he was airborne. Wind rushed at his face as he cleared the treetops, and the cathedral came into focus, albeit hazy and distant. On the great steps leading up to it, he could spy two figures, both familiar. Morning Star... and Sterling.

Fuck. Fuck. He brought Sterling. This literally could not get any worse.

Pain exploded in his wing.

Magnotris screamed as he plummeted, other wing flapping uselessly. He couldn't catch enough air, hitting the ground with a crunch. It hurt, but it wouldn't stop him. Rolling onto his stomach, he glanced at his wing as the feathers soaked up the blood oozing.

An axe sat near his shoulder, embedded in muscle and sinew. The pain was sickening, rising bile in his throat. Who the fuck had-

Leaves crunched as Viscera approached, another axe in his arms. Magnotris stared up at him with wide eyes, arms shaking.

"I'm sorry, Magnotris," he echoed, eyes blank, expression neutral, "you're not meant to interfere in what's about to happen."

He stared back, breathing heavily for a second. Viscera stepped closer, raising the axe again.

"Like hell I'm going to sit back and watch!" Magnotris yelled, spinning and sweeping his leg, knocking Viscera's feet out from under him. The other Fragment hit the ground with a grunt and he scrambled to his feet, yanking the axe out of his wing as he sprinted through the forest.

He didn't care if the universe itself moved to stop him. He was going to save Morning Star.

The cathedral was beautiful. Honestly, truly beautiful. Morning Star paused to admire it, tilting his head back. Towers lined either wide, marked by stained glass windows, the entire structure a gorgeous blend of dark wood and bright white limestone. He hadn't a chance to see his splendor during the dinner. He'd been too busy being nervous.

"Well," Morning Star breathed, slowly, "I guess this it it, huh?"

Sterling took his hand.

"You two aren't really planning on just strolling into the cathedral and hoping for the best, right?"

Morning Star tensed, slowly turning his head around. Behind them both stood another Fragment, arms crossed lazily, resting his weight on one leg. He knew who that was. He knew very intimately.

Sundae smiled, although it lacked conviction or malice. He strode forwards easily. "If you do that, the Overseers will pick you off like fish in a barrel. Even when you have-" he jabbed a thumb to Sterling, "-gold on your side, it won't be enough. These folk are on power highs off of Magnitude Fragment Blessings, you won't stand a chance."

Morning Star paced backwards, Sterling following. "How do I know you aren't just saying that to r-ruin this for me?" he stammered out, trying to keep his anxiety out of his tone.

"What motive do I have?" Sundae placed his hands on his chest, "I left the Overseers. I dislike the Coalition just as much as you do. I have no reason to sabotage something I've been wanting for years. In fact, I came to help you."

"How do you know that? How did you know what I was planning?"

Sundae grinned, "I received a tip that Magnotris was dabbling in things beyond his means. I planted someone to watch him, but they found your quest more interesting, and I'd have to say, I agree."

Morning Star stared.

"I don't expect you to trust me, honestly. I understand why you wouldn't. But I have the same end goal as you." Sundae paced around Morning Star in a wide circle, waving a hand, "I left the Overseers because I knew they were incompetent and idiots. They do care about the other Fragments, but bureaucracy and incompetence keeps them from successfully ruling. Their own hubris chokes them, and I'd love to see them taken down a peg. Perhaps with their asses handed to them - or with a new leader in charge..." he glanced to Morning Star appraisingly, "they can actually pull off ridding the COR of its illegal and shambling underbelly."

Morning Star stared, words still caught in his throat. He didn't know what to say, what to argue. Sundae, of all people - the leader of the Haven, the only Overseer who had abandoned the COR - and the sole holder of a Blessing from the strongest Mag Frag. He would be an invaluable ally. He knew the cathedral - he'd lived in it! And he was strong and powerful. 

Sterling squeezed his hand. 

They wouldn't be enough. He'd known that, in his heart. A gold gun and Sterling weren't strong enough to take down a group of Overseers, and the likelihood of going up against only one at a time was slim. They always congregated in groups. Always. 

This could save them. Sundae could save them.

"Okay," he whispered, "Fine. What do you suggest, then?"

Sundae beamed, pointing upwards. Morning Star followed the gesture to one of the taller towers.

"We drop in from above."