Alkara Corporation

Alkara Corporation is the collective work between two scientists: Dr. Agrabel and Dr. Wu. This lore differs from the original "Alkara" lore.

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Alkara Corporation

This refers to a fictional corporation I made back in around 2010. This lore is heavily attached to a fraction of my older OCs. For even more context - I made this in high school. That's how old this is.

Note: Some Characters have been repurposed for my new lore. These are the characters that fall under my "current OCs" category.


Alkara Corporation is the collective work between two scientists: Dr. Agrabel and Dr. Wu.

Together these two assembled over two dozen different animals - mostly canines - and experimented on them to gift each one a unique ability. After three highly dangerous beasts got loose, the pair sent out the rest of their trained fleet of enhanced canines to track down and terminate the rogue runners.

The Scientists

Dr. Agrabel

Tired and determined, Dr. Agrabel was the main architect behind the idea for the Alkara Corporation. He spent much of his time designing the traits that each animal would inherit.

Dr. Wu

Dr. Wu's work resided primarily with the more gentle animals. Sassy and quirky, he dedicated his work to ensuring that the enhancements were solely beneficial for both humans and animals.

The Dogs

Over two dozen animals were altered to inherit their unsual traits.

[more to come]

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