Joust Pas d'Armes | July 2021

2 years, 8 months ago

Difèrne participates to her first Joust

Featuring: 653 Difèrne (Mine) and 890 Absinthe Nyx (Baylili00, DeviantArt) Difèrne: 516 words | Nyx: 278 words

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"Telepathy," Difèrne wrote on her registration form. She sighed, noting that the form above hers had been filled in with many offensive magics such as blood manipulation and pyrokinesis. Perhaps it had been a bad idea to sign up to this joust. She should have waited to see if she would have developed more magic of her own. Chances were slim, and she knew it. Magic was not her family's strong suit; it did not flow in her blood.

She shook her head. No, she thought. It was in her best interest to enter and learn how to fight and approach different types of magics. Her life and travels were at stake.

Finally, she laid down the pen and politely grinned at the quirlicorn which had kindly helped her complete the form. She turned away to take a look at the jousting area, where she would surely see some quirlicorns warming up and practicing.

Quite a crowd had gathered for the event. Jousting was one of the most popular sports in the quirliverse. While many loved to test their strategies and endurance on the ring, using the activity to power their chimes, others preferred to watch and cheer their loved ones on. She herself had been part of that crowd, although she wasn't cheering for anyone in particular: she wanted to learn and study. And learn she did, although she sometimes got distracted by some beautifully decorated coats.

Coincidently, her gaze landed on a blue roan mare who was stretching on the plain field were the fights would be help. Her flank was adorned with a dragon tattoo, an inkheart mutation she believed it was called. The tattoo was elegantly detailed. It could have passed for an actual breathing lizard.

Difèrne blinked. The tattoo seemed to be imitating its owner's current pose. The blue roan mare started stretching her neck. So did the tattoo. It took a moment for Difèrne to realize that the tattoo was, in fact, truly moving. The mare did a double take. The lizard noticed her staring and hissed, it then crawled up the blue roan mare's neck and out of Difèrne view.

The blue mare whipped around.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to stare," she snapped.

Difèrne froze. Instead of a stern roan face, a shaphire-coloured skull with three horns looked at her. The yellow mare jumped in surprise.

"I'm so sorry," she stuttered, unable to take her eyes off of the empty eye sockets. "I thought I saw your tattoo move and I was intrigued."

The head analyzed her.

"Yeah, he's an Inkheart. He doesn't like to be stared at like that."

Difèrne nodded her head apologically.

"Is it your first time around here?" the skull's voice softened. Strangely enough, the quirlicorn could speak despite having no tongue.

"Yes, and this is my first joust. My name is Difèrne."

"And my name is Nyx. This is Slate." The blue roan mare nodded towards the tattoo dragon which had crawled back unto her shoulder.

"I'm happy to meet you," Difèrne said pleasantly. "May I warm up with you?"
