The Past

2 years, 7 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

This takes place several years before MK is born. Focuses on Fang returning to Megapolis to deal with a problem, as well as eventually facing her father after 10 years of silence between each other.

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Bug Hunt

Arriving at the city with dawn nearing, Fang decides to scope out one of  her old hangouts where she would often go to whenever visiting the  city. A closed off room to an apartment which she has access to via the  window. Where they settle in for the day seeing as they're all exhausted  from the overnight trip across the sea to the city.

Come  nightfall however, it becomes apparent that Moth is missing. And the two  end up tracking them down to the brightest place in the city, the  Anti-Gravity Arcade. Where they meet a psychedelic demon named Tsudo  Nikko who claims to own the place. Who, after messing with them, tells  them that the majority of the Moth's have made their way towards the  center of the city uptown. And also warns Fang, 'Beware the rising of  the Red Son!' before disappearing. Leaving Fang severely on edge as they  make their way to a quiet bar to settle down for a meal.

All  seems rather straightforward at that point until a friend of both Fang  and Jun pop's up, Yu Lai. Who claims to of followed them from the  arcade. Unaware of their true selves they claim to be on a mission to  aid Moth in hopes of helping the environment. She of course joins their  team, unbeknownst of their true identities of Fang being the Monkey  King's daughter and Jun being a Jiangshi. And even offers them a ride  towards the main source of energy that Moth leads them with. Where they  arrive at a strange looking facility that still has its lights on in a  section of town where the majority of residence have mostly abandoned  their homes due to the bug infestation.