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Anonymous asked
I recently heard that there are people who don't want anything to do with rerulili's stuff because of something he said a while back? Do you know what he said???

Ah there’s actually been a few incidents involving him that have gotten him into some trouble :/

The first one was kinda big in the Japanese side of the fandom, although I’m not super sure on the details. Basically I believe it was something like, he was offering to give advice to people who were having trouble getting views on their videos, but because he was giving the advice through one of his characters who is super rude, it just came off like he was insulting these people who are already struggling to find success, which is pretty cruel. I’m not entirely sure what became of that whole situation, tbh, but I’m pretty sure he stopped the whole advice-giving thing because of the drama.

The second one, I can’t say if it had any effects in the Japanese side of the fandom, but I saw a lot of backlash from the English-speaking side of the fandom, and I have a feeling this is what you’re referring to. Basically, he made a tweet that said “Homos are gross.” That’s the only tweet I saw, and I’m not sure if there was any other context to it. When this got out to the English-speaking side of the fandom, many people dropped their support for him entirely, and people even cussed him out (in english) on Twitter because of it. 

What he said is insulting and offensive, I don’t think there’s much argument about that from our side of the fandom. If people want to stop supporting him, or were offended by what he said, that is 100% understandable. I don’t particularly want to defend him, but I do think that his statement was different in English than it was in Japanese. Not on a translation level, but on a cultural context level. I don’t know what I’m trying to say here… I’m not defending what he said, I just feel like there was something that was lost in this whole controversy for the many people who aren’t familiar with Japanese culture in this sort of context. But yeah, I still really like his music but am not really sure about how much I want to support him anymore either… not just for that but in general, reading his tweets, he just doesn’t always strike me as a very nice person ;~:

I feel like there might have been something else that happened with him too? But I can’t remember at the moment ;~;

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