
also here is the 2017 horse zine

listen this isn’t rat related but I’m going off the walls right now this is literally so fucking funny

orange bear puppet: i think tutter’s looking a little tired, don’t you?

tutter (mouse puppet): [panting and screaming]


Human Bill Cipher

(Based on Alex Hirsch's "canon" design)

And just to be clear, writing dissertations at me justifying why he should instead be a conventionally attractive twink will involuntarily cause me to draw him with even fewer teeth.

I posted this art on other platforms a few days before I posted it here, and sincerely recieved some pretty hostile, rude, negative and nasty responces to it. It heals my heart that Tumblr, the platform I was most anxious about, has by far been the most supportive. Thanks for all the kind messages.


The rain in Spain: Buttercup Festival 3-273


I had a dream that I went to a video rental store (???) and they had a gundam manga where everything was the same except the entire cast was cambrian creatures (?????)

A black and white comic page. At the top is a panel of a man watching two people pull up nettles with the words "One day he saw some country people busily engaged in pulling up nettles". Below that is a drawing of two hands holding a dried nettle stalk and the words "he examined the plants, which were uprooted and already dried, and said: 'They are dead. Nevertheless, it would be a good thing to know how to make use of them."ALT
A black and white comic. In the first panel is a steaming bowl in front of a chair on a table with the words "When the nettle is young, the leaf makes an excellent vegetable." In the second panel is a close up drawing of a person's hand making cordage with the words "when it is older, it has filaments and fibres like hemp and flax." In the third panel a woman is holding up a sheet of fabric as if to fold it, with the words "Nettle cloth is as good as linen cloth." In the fourth panel a chicken is pecking at the ground with the words "Chopped up, nettles are good for poultry." At the bottom of the page is a drawing of nettles in a basket and the words "With the exercise of a little care, the nettle could be made useful;"ALT
A black and white comic. In the first panel, a doorway in a brick wall is partially overgrown with nettles and has the words "it is neglected." In the second panel there is a hand with a rash and the words "and it becomes hurtful." At the bottom, from left to right is drawn a scythe, a dead nettle lying on the ground, nettle stumps, and some living nettles, all with the words "It is exterminated"ALT
A black and white drawing of a man in early 19th century clothing, in his shirt sleeve and holding a hat, looking at a nettle plant. Words read "How many men resemble the nettle!"ALT

He added, after a pause: “Remember this, my friends: there are no such things as bad plants or bad men. There are only bad cultivators.”

Les Misérables, Volume I / Book V / Chapter III, trans. Hapgood

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