they let some sun in

art about ask



A woman went viral for being turned down for a next interview for a role, she asks the recruiter what she did wrong, the recruiter tells her they were “concerned about her lack of effort in her appearance.”

She explains she wore a freshly ironed blazer with a collared top. Her nails were painted a professional beige. She got a blowout for her hair, so a professional style. She had on subdued gold earrings.

The only thing she wasn’t wearing was makeup; she states she really doesn’t wear makeup, and only had chapstick on, as her skin is sensitive. Her lawyer mother has already explained she has no legal case against the company for any type of gender-based discrimination.

Just in case anyone wants to ask why feminists still refer to the “pink tax” or rail against more and more elaborate makeup trends being pushed on girls and women.

Women being punished socially for not wearing makeup is still a feminist issue.

Little girls being taught by TikTok at 10 and 12 that they have to have a “beat face” or a “snatched body” to be adequately feminine will go on to become recruiters and HR employees and managers in a decade.

We already know that women who don’t wear makeup are discriminated against in interviews. The next generation of interviewers were raised by Sephora and Ulta; it’s going to get worse, not better, unless there’s a concentrated campaign on breaking the connection between makeup+professionalism.





tweet showing a photo of a baby pelican with the caption "baby pelican👎".  the pelican is entirely featherless and overall a little strange looking. a response to the original tweet says: "maybe the funniest use of the thumbs down emoji in history."ALT

Baby pelican👎

this thing sucks 👎

Nooo don’t be mean to him



brutalist candy cane






you’ll just be minding ur business and then suddenly the air smells like an august evening in 2005


i can’t believe i’m saying this AGAIN but uh:

a diagram showcasing the different toe arrangements bird feet comes in which are, from left to right, Anisodactyl, Zygodactyl, Heterodactyl, Syndactyl, and PamprodactylALT

i will NOT be repeating myself 😤😤



Oldest Known Black Swift Found in Colorado

This story from the field comes from Bird Conservancy of the Rockies biologists Rob Sparks and Colin Woolley:

“On August 1st 2023, we were excited to recapture a female Black Swift at a nesting site in Colorado, where it was first banded as an adult (after-hatch-year) bird in 2005!

That makes this swift at least 19 years old, breaking the longevity record set in 2022… by this very same swift! That’s right, this swift has been returning to nest at the same site since at least 2005, and has been recaptured 14 times over the years.

Research like this highlights the importance of long-term monitoring projects and what they can reveal about a species’ site fidelity and lifespan.

Right now, this swift is likely in Brazilian airspace, soaring over the Amazon Basin, where it will remain aloft for the entire overwintering period. Here’s to hoping this bird returns to nest in Colorado in 2024!”

All banding is being conducted under a federally authorized Bird Banding Permit issued by the U.S. Geological Survey’s BBL.

via: Western Bird Banding Association



“We’re gonna be talking about the BOOBY! We’ll be talking about the WOODCOCK! Do you think that’s FUNNY, Butthead? Do you find it AMUSING that we’ll be talking about the SWALLOW? Yes, we’re also gonna be talking about the DICKCISSEL, the BUSHTIT, the COCK-OF-THE-ROCK, the SHAG… and we will DEFINITELY be spending a LOT of time talking about…GREAT TITS!!


hey guys you wanna see a really really bad image of a pelican


YEAH you do. here it is. jesus fucking christ


check this out

