Heyo, I'm Hannah! I love making new characters n' worldbuilding. Ask about my ocs and I owe you my life : ) If you could avoid swearin' round here, I'd much appreciate it, ty! Links: DeviantArt, Toyhou.se, Art Fight, Twitch, Patreon

A Cat Introductory

Sometimes I surprise myself with how little cat content is on my Tumblr. I don’t even think I posted when we got new kittens…! So I made this for fun : )


Pepsi, aka Beep or Beepus (it comes from a Bepis mispronunciation) is a Victorian woman trapped in the small body of a cat. She has the patience of a saint and a very angry resting face. Out of all our cats ever, we’ve had her the longest. She has no interest in sinning and very much dislikes being picked up in “improper” ways. She’s currently ten years old! Wow!

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