
I never left! I’m just lurking around lol. I forget to post stuff to all my social media though haha


not me finding someone copying my metalocalypse art on my dash LMFAO…… okay dude

do people know the difference between a “study” and straight up just copying someones art without saying anything and posting it with no credit? Be fucking serious guys

not me finding someone copying my metalocalypse art on my dash LMFAO…… okay dude

Your artwork is phenomenal. I don't use Twitter but I logged in just to look at your nickles stuff. Your style is just tops and I love, LOVE how you draw Pickles.

Thank u sm!! Drawing Pickles is my fave (:

I’m making a Subscribestar! Still in the process of verifying but yeah (:

miss your nickles work my dude </3


lol me too. unfortunately just been busy with holidays, commission work and end of semester schoolwork UnU


I’m running an adopt thread on twitter, click for the link to bid!


Here comes a special boy! Here comes a special boy!

This is a shot in the dark for the doll modding community- I’m looking to get small blank dolls to mod into ocs with clay sculpting. are there brands that folks would recc that won’t break the bank? all the options im finding are shady looking or are cloth which I’m not interested in lol



oh thank god you can now reply/comment on posts as a sideblog


Yeah so apparently on the website there’s now an dropdown option so that you can pick a side blog to comment on a post???

Step 1: Open a post to comment on it

Step 2: Click on your blog icon


Step 3: Select the blog you want to use to comment


Step 4: Congrats, now you can comment using a different blog!
