Kieren/Ren | 28 | He/Xe


honey we have guests bring out the fine china




I know this has been said before, and y'all aren’t gonna listen to me when I say it, but you can’t be bigoted to bad people. Like you don’t get to call Marjorie Taylor Green an NRA whore, or misgender Caitlyn Jenner, or be antisemitic to Ben Shapiro. It doesn’t work like that. Not being called slurs is not something people earn by being a good person, it’s something you do because YOU are a good person. And if I’m being honest, it shouldn’t be that hard for you to do. You shouldn’t want to say these things to ANYBODY, even if they are the devil incarnate.

When people use slurs against people they don’t like, that tells me that marginalized people are only conditionally acceptable to them, and the second they don’t like them they’ll use their identity against them.


As a fat person, one thing that would be awesome is if thin people could just get over it. People are fat sometimes. It’s fine. Chill. We’re not a problem you need to solve, we’re just a bunch of people who deserve social equality.

I’m not saying you should be all “I don’t see size”, just that I’m tired of being met with some form of “but I can’t just let you be this way”. Yes, you can! I can be fat all day and you can just not worry about it! Look at us go!



auggie sticker? wdyt



Clint you’ve got to be fucking kidding me



Had to throw this together after being struck with inspiration.